Apollo 10.0
命名空间 | |
namespace | algorithm |
namespace | base |
namespace | camera |
namespace | common |
namespace | fusion |
namespace | inference |
namespace | lib |
namespace | lidar |
namespace | map |
namespace | msg |
namespace | onboard |
namespace | radar |
namespace | radar4d |
namespace | trafficlight |
类型定义 | |
typedef Eigen::Vector2i | Point2Di |
typedef Eigen::Vector2f | Point2Df |
typedef Eigen::Vector2d | Point2Dd |
using | IdObstacleListMap = std::unordered_map< int, std::list< Obstacle * > > |
函数 | |
DEFINE_string (obs_sensor_intrinsic_path, "modules/perception/data/params", "The intrinsics/extrinsics dir.") | |
DEFINE_string (obs_sensor_meta_file, "sensor_meta.pb.txt", "The SensorManager config file.") | |
DEFINE_bool (enable_base_object_pool, false, "Enable base object pool.") | |
DEFINE_string (config_manager_path, "./", "The ModelConfig config paths.") | |
DEFINE_string (work_root, "modules/perception", "Project work root direcotry.") | |
DEFINE_string (onnx_obstacle_detector_model, "modules/perception/camera" "/lib/obstacle/detector/yolov4/model/yolov4_1_3_416_416.onnx", "The onnx model file for emergency detection") | |
DEFINE_string (onnx_test_input_path, "modules/perception/inference" "/onnx/testdata/dog.jpg", "The test input image file for onnx inference") | |
DEFINE_string (onnx_test_input_name_file, "modules/perception/inference" "/onnx/testdata/coco.names", "The test input coco name file for onnx inference") | |
DEFINE_string (onnx_prediction_image_path, "modules/perception/inference" "/onnx/testdata/prediction.jpg", "The prediction output image file for onnx inference") | |
DEFINE_int32 (num_classes, 80, "number of classes for onnx inference") | |
DEFINE_string (torch_detector_model, "modules/perception/camera" "/lib/obstacle/detector/yolov4/model/yolov4.pt", "The torch model file for emergency detection") | |
DEFINE_string (lidar_sensor_name, "velodyne128", "lidar sensor name") | |
DEFINE_string (object_template_file, "object_template.pb.txt", "object template config file") | |
DEFINE_int32 (hdmap_sample_step, 1, "hdmap sample step") | |
DEFINE_bool (use_trt, false, "True if preprocess in CPU mode.") | |
DEFINE_int32 (trt_precision, 1, "Precision type of tensorrt, 0: kFloat32, 1: kInt8, 2: kHalf") | |
DEFINE_int32 (trt_use_static, 1, "Whether to load the tensorrt graph optimization from a disk path") | |
DEFINE_bool (use_calibration, true, "Whether to use calibration table") | |
DEFINE_bool (collect_shape_info, false, "Whether to collect dynamic shape before using tensorrt") | |
DEFINE_bool (use_dynamicshape, true, "Whether to use dynamic shape when using tensorrt") | |
DEFINE_string (dynamic_shape_file, "modules/perception/data/models/" "center_point_paddle/collect_shape_info_3lidar_20.pbtxt", "Path of a dynamic shape file for tensorrt") | |
DEFINE_string (scene_manager_file, "scene_manager.conf", "scene manager config file") | |
DEFINE_string (roi_service_file, "roi_service.conf", "roi service config file") | |
DEFINE_string (ground_service_file, "ground_service.conf", "ground service config file") | |
DEFINE_bool (need_judge_front_critical, false, "True if should short-miss-detection-but-track-output") | |
DEFINE_double (x_front, 3.0, "reserve range smaller than X") | |
DEFINE_double (x_back, -3.0, "reserve range bigger than X") | |
DEFINE_double (y_front, 8.0, "reserve range smaller than Y") | |
DEFINE_double (y_back, 0.0, "reserve range bigger than Y") | |
DEFINE_bool (need_reserve_blind_cone, false, "True if reserve trafficCone when in host-car-blind-zone") | |
DEFINE_double (cone_x_front, 2.0, "cone reserve range smaller than X") | |
DEFINE_double (cone_x_back, -2.0, "cone reserve range bigger than X") | |
DEFINE_double (cone_y_front, 5.0, "cone reserve range smaller than Y") | |
DEFINE_double (cone_y_back, 0.0, "cone reserve range bigger than Y") | |
DEFINE_double (cone_reserve_time, 10000.0, "cone reserve time") | |
DECLARE_string (obs_sensor_intrinsic_path) | |
DECLARE_string (obs_sensor_meta_file) | |
DECLARE_bool (enable_base_object_pool) | |
DECLARE_string (config_manager_path) | |
DECLARE_string (work_root) | |
DECLARE_string (onnx_obstacle_detector_model) | |
DECLARE_string (onnx_test_input_path) | |
DECLARE_string (onnx_test_input_name_file) | |
DECLARE_string (onnx_prediction_image_path) | |
DECLARE_int32 (num_classes) | |
DECLARE_string (torch_detector_model) | |
DECLARE_string (lidar_sensor_name) | |
DECLARE_bool (use_trt) | |
DECLARE_int32 (trt_precision) | |
DECLARE_int32 (trt_use_static) | |
DECLARE_bool (use_calibration) | |
DECLARE_bool (use_dynamicshape) | |
DECLARE_bool (collect_shape_info) | |
DECLARE_string (dynamic_shape_file) | |
DECLARE_string (object_template_file) | |
DECLARE_int32 (hdmap_sample_step) | |
DECLARE_string (scene_manager_file) | |
DECLARE_string (roi_service_file) | |
DECLARE_string (ground_service_file) | |
DECLARE_bool (need_judge_front_critical) | |
DECLARE_double (x_front) | |
DECLARE_double (x_back) | |
DECLARE_double (y_front) | |
DECLARE_double (y_back) | |
DECLARE_bool (need_reserve_blind_cone) | |
DECLARE_double (cone_x_front) | |
DECLARE_double (cone_x_back) | |
DECLARE_double (cone_y_front) | |
DECLARE_double (cone_y_back) | |
DECLARE_double (cone_reserve_time) | |
std::string | GetCommonConfigFile (const std::string &config_file) |
Get the perception common config path | |
std::string | GetModelPath (const std::string &model_name) |
Get the model path by model name, search from APOLLO_MODEL_PATH | |
std::string | GetModelFile (const std::string &model_name, const std::string &file_name) |
Get the model file path by model path and file name | |
std::string | GetConfigPath (const std::string &config_path) |
Get the config path | |
std::string | GetConfigFile (const std::string &config_path, const std::string &config_file) |
bool | ConvertObjectToPb (const base::ObjectPtr &object_ptr, PerceptionObstacle *pb_msg) |
bool | ConvertCameraFrame2Obstacles (const std::shared_ptr< onboard::CameraFrame > &frame, PerceptionObstacles *obstacles) |
bool | ConvertSensorFrameMessage2Obstacles (const std::shared_ptr< onboard::SensorFrameMessage > &msg, PerceptionObstacles *obstacles) |
bool | ConvertLidarFrameMessage2Obstacles (const std::shared_ptr< onboard::LidarFrameMessage > &msg, PerceptionObstacles *obstacles) |
bool | IsTrainable (const Feature &feature) |
变量 | |
constexpr float | kMaxFloat = std::numeric_limits<float>::max() |
constexpr float | kLowestFloat = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max() |
constexpr float | kMinAngle = kLowestFloat / 180.0f |
constexpr float | kFloatEpsilon = 0.000001f |
constexpr float | k45DegreeInRadian = static_cast<float>(45.0f * M_PI) / 180.0f |
constexpr uint32_t | kMinLaneLineLengthForCIPV = 2 |
constexpr float | kAverageLaneWidthInMeter = 3.7f |
constexpr float | kMaxVehicleWidthInMeter = 1.87f |
constexpr float | kMarginVehicleToLane |
constexpr float | kSingleVirtualEgolaneWidthInMeter |
constexpr float | kHalfVehicleWidthInMeter = kMaxVehicleWidthInMeter / 2.0f |
cv::Scalar | black_color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0) |
cv::Scalar | white_color = cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255) |
cv::Scalar | magenta_color = cv::Scalar(255, 0, 255) |
cv::Scalar | purple_color = cv::Scalar(128, 0, 128) |
cv::Scalar | teal_color = cv::Scalar(128, 128, 0) |
cv::Scalar | violet_color = cv::Scalar(238, 130, 238) |
cv::Scalar | pink_color = cv::Scalar(203, 192, 255) |
cv::Scalar | beige_color = cv::Scalar(220, 245, 245) |
cv::Scalar | ivory_color = cv::Scalar(240, 255, 255) |
cv::Scalar | azure_color = cv::Scalar(255, 255, 240) |
cv::Scalar | cyan_color = cv::Scalar(255, 255, 0) |
cv::Scalar | sky_blue_color = cv::Scalar(235, 206, 135) |
cv::Scalar | deep_sky_blue_color = cv::Scalar(255, 191, 0) |
cv::Scalar | dodger_blue_color = cv::Scalar(255, 144, 30) |
cv::Scalar | blue_color = cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0) |
cv::Scalar | medium_blue_color = cv::Scalar(205, 0, 0) |
cv::Scalar | dark_blue_color = cv::Scalar(139, 0, 0) |
cv::Scalar | navy_color = cv::Scalar(128, 0, 0) |
cv::Scalar | dark_green_color = cv::Scalar(0, 100, 0) |
cv::Scalar | lime_color = cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0) |
cv::Scalar | light_green_color = cv::Scalar(144, 238, 144) |
cv::Scalar | olive_color = cv::Scalar(0, 128, 128) |
cv::Scalar | green_color = cv::Scalar(0, 128, 0) |
cv::Scalar | red_color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255) |
cv::Scalar | coral_color = cv::Scalar(80, 127, 255) |
cv::Scalar | salmon_color = cv::Scalar(144, 128, 250) |
cv::Scalar | orange_color = cv::Scalar(0, 165, 255) |
cv::Scalar | yellow_color = cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255) |
cv::Scalar | maroon_color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 128) |
cv::Scalar | light_gray_color = cv::Scalar(100, 100, 100) |
cv::Scalar | gray_color = cv::Scalar(128, 128, 128) |
cv::Scalar | dark_gray_color = cv::Scalar(170, 170, 170) |
cv::Scalar | silver_color = cv::Scalar(192, 192, 192) |
using apollo::perception::IdObstacleListMap = typedef std::unordered_map<int, std::list<Obstacle*> > |
在文件 evaluator_manager.cc 第 37 行定义.
typedef Eigen::Vector2d apollo::perception::Point2Dd |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 54 行定义.
typedef Eigen::Vector2f apollo::perception::Point2Df |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 53 行定义.
typedef Eigen::Vector2i apollo::perception::Point2Di |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 52 行定义.
bool apollo::perception::ConvertCameraFrame2Obstacles | ( | const std::shared_ptr< onboard::CameraFrame > & | frame, |
PerceptionObstacles * | obstacles | ||
) |
bool apollo::perception::ConvertLidarFrameMessage2Obstacles | ( | const std::shared_ptr< onboard::LidarFrameMessage > & | msg, |
PerceptionObstacles * | obstacles | ||
) |
bool apollo::perception::ConvertObjectToPb | ( | const base::ObjectPtr & | object_ptr, |
PerceptionObstacle * | pb_msg | ||
) |
bool apollo::perception::ConvertSensorFrameMessage2Obstacles | ( | const std::shared_ptr< onboard::SensorFrameMessage > & | msg, |
PerceptionObstacles * | obstacles | ||
) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_bool | ( | collect_shape_info | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_bool | ( | enable_base_object_pool | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_bool | ( | need_judge_front_critical | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_bool | ( | need_reserve_blind_cone | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_bool | ( | use_calibration | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_bool | ( | use_dynamicshape | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_bool | ( | use_trt | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | cone_reserve_time | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | cone_x_back | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | cone_x_front | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | cone_y_back | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | cone_y_front | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | x_back | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | x_front | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | y_back | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_double | ( | y_front | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_int32 | ( | hdmap_sample_step | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_int32 | ( | num_classes | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_int32 | ( | trt_precision | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_int32 | ( | trt_use_static | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | config_manager_path | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | dynamic_shape_file | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | ground_service_file | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | lidar_sensor_name | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | object_template_file | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | obs_sensor_intrinsic_path | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | obs_sensor_meta_file | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | onnx_obstacle_detector_model | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | onnx_prediction_image_path | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | onnx_test_input_name_file | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | onnx_test_input_path | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | roi_service_file | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | scene_manager_file | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | torch_detector_model | ) |
apollo::perception::DECLARE_string | ( | work_root | ) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_bool | ( | collect_shape_info | , |
false | , | ||
"Whether to collect dynamic shape before using tensorrt" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_bool | ( | enable_base_object_pool | , |
false | , | ||
"Enable base object pool." | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_bool | ( | need_judge_front_critical | , |
false | , | ||
"True if should short-miss-detection-but-track-output" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_bool | ( | need_reserve_blind_cone | , |
false | , | ||
"True if reserve trafficCone when in host-car-blind-zone" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_bool | ( | use_calibration | , |
true | , | ||
"Whether to use calibration table" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_bool | ( | use_dynamicshape | , |
true | , | ||
"Whether to use dynamic shape when using tensorrt" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_bool | ( | use_trt | , |
false | , | ||
"True if preprocess in CPU mode." | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | cone_reserve_time | , |
10000. | 0, | ||
"cone reserve time" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | cone_x_back | , |
-2. | 0, | ||
"cone reserve range bigger than X" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | cone_x_front | , |
2. | 0, | ||
"cone reserve range smaller than X" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | cone_y_back | , |
0. | 0, | ||
"cone reserve range bigger than Y" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | cone_y_front | , |
5. | 0, | ||
"cone reserve range smaller than Y" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | x_back | , |
-3. | 0, | ||
"reserve range bigger than X" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | x_front | , |
3. | 0, | ||
"reserve range smaller than X" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | y_back | , |
0. | 0, | ||
"reserve range bigger than Y" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_double | ( | y_front | , |
8. | 0, | ||
"reserve range smaller than Y" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_int32 | ( | hdmap_sample_step | , |
1 | , | ||
"hdmap sample step" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_int32 | ( | num_classes | , |
80 | , | ||
"number of classes for onnx inference" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_int32 | ( | trt_precision | , |
1 | , | ||
"Precision type of | tensorrt, | ||
0:kFloat32 | , | ||
1:kInt8 | , | ||
2:kHalf" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_int32 | ( | trt_use_static | , |
1 | , | ||
"Whether to load the tensorrt graph optimization from a disk path" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | config_manager_path | , |
"./" | , | ||
"The ModelConfig config paths." | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | dynamic_shape_file | , |
"modules/perception/data/models/" "center_point_paddle/collect_shape_info_3lidar_20.pbtxt" | , | ||
"Path of a dynamic shape file for tensorrt" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | ground_service_file | , |
"ground_service.conf" | , | ||
"ground service config file" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | lidar_sensor_name | , |
"velodyne128" | , | ||
"lidar sensor name" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | object_template_file | , |
"object_template.pb.txt" | , | ||
"object template config file" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | obs_sensor_intrinsic_path | , |
"modules/perception/data/params" | , | ||
"The intrinsics/extrinsics dir." | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | obs_sensor_meta_file | , |
"sensor_meta.pb.txt" | , | ||
"The SensorManager config file." | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | onnx_obstacle_detector_model | , |
"modules/perception/camera" "/lib/obstacle/detector/yolov4/model/yolov4_1_3_416_416.onnx" | , | ||
"The onnx model file for emergency detection" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | onnx_prediction_image_path | , |
"modules/perception/inference" "/onnx/testdata/prediction.jpg" | , | ||
"The prediction output image file for onnx inference" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | onnx_test_input_name_file | , |
"modules/perception/inference" "/onnx/testdata/coco.names" | , | ||
"The test input coco name file for onnx inference" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | onnx_test_input_path | , |
"modules/perception/inference" "/onnx/testdata/dog.jpg" | , | ||
"The test input image file for onnx inference" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | roi_service_file | , |
"roi_service.conf" | , | ||
"roi service config file" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | scene_manager_file | , |
"scene_manager.conf" | , | ||
"scene manager config file" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | torch_detector_model | , |
"modules/perception/camera" "/lib/obstacle/detector/yolov4/model/yolov4.pt" | , | ||
"The torch model file for emergency detection" | |||
) |
apollo::perception::DEFINE_string | ( | work_root | , |
"modules/perception" | , | ||
"Project work root direcotry." | |||
) |
std::string apollo::perception::GetCommonConfigFile | ( | const std::string & | config_file | ) |
Get the perception common config path
config_path | The config file path, if path is relative, search from ${APOLLO_CONF_PATH}/modules/perception/data/conf |
std::string apollo::perception::GetConfigFile | ( | const std::string & | config_path, |
const std::string & | config_file | ||
) |
std::string apollo::perception::GetConfigPath | ( | const std::string & | config_path | ) |
Get the config path
config_path | The config path, if path is relative, search from ${APOLLO_CONF_PATH} |
std::string apollo::perception::GetModelFile | ( | const std::string & | model_name, |
const std::string & | file_name | ||
) |
Get the model file path by model path and file name
model_name | The model name, use GetModelPath to get the model path |
file_name | The file name |
std::string apollo::perception::GetModelPath | ( | const std::string & | model_name | ) |
Get the model path by model name, search from APOLLO_MODEL_PATH
model_name | The model name |
bool apollo::perception::IsTrainable | ( | const Feature & | feature | ) |
在文件 evaluator_manager.cc 第 39 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::azure_color = cv::Scalar(255, 255, 240) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 39 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::beige_color = cv::Scalar(220, 245, 245) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 35 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::black_color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 28 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::blue_color = cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 44 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::coral_color = cv::Scalar(80, 127, 255) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 58 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::cyan_color = cv::Scalar(255, 255, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 40 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::dark_blue_color = cv::Scalar(139, 0, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 46 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::dark_gray_color = cv::Scalar(170, 170, 170) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 67 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::dark_green_color = cv::Scalar(0, 100, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 50 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::deep_sky_blue_color = cv::Scalar(255, 191, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 42 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::dodger_blue_color = cv::Scalar(255, 144, 30) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 43 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::gray_color = cv::Scalar(128, 128, 128) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 66 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::green_color = cv::Scalar(0, 128, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 54 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::ivory_color = cv::Scalar(240, 255, 255) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 36 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 34 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 39 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 32 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 50 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 30 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 43 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 29 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 41 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 31 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 37 行定义.
constexpr |
在文件 lane_object.h 第 46 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::light_gray_color = cv::Scalar(100, 100, 100) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 65 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::light_green_color = cv::Scalar(144, 238, 144) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 52 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::lime_color = cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 51 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::magenta_color = cv::Scalar(255, 0, 255) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 30 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::maroon_color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 128) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 62 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::medium_blue_color = cv::Scalar(205, 0, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 45 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::navy_color = cv::Scalar(128, 0, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 47 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::olive_color = cv::Scalar(0, 128, 128) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 53 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::orange_color = cv::Scalar(0, 165, 255) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 60 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::pink_color = cv::Scalar(203, 192, 255) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 34 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::purple_color = cv::Scalar(128, 0, 128) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 31 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::red_color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 57 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::salmon_color = cv::Scalar(144, 128, 250) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 59 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::silver_color = cv::Scalar(192, 192, 192) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 68 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::sky_blue_color = cv::Scalar(235, 206, 135) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 41 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::teal_color = cv::Scalar(128, 128, 0) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 32 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::violet_color = cv::Scalar(238, 130, 238) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 33 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::white_color = cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 29 行定义.
cv::Scalar apollo::perception::yellow_color = cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255) |
在文件 colormap.h 第 61 行定义.