Apollo 10.0
apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil类 参考

#include <path_bounds_decider_util.h>

apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil 的协作图:

静态 Public 成员函数

static bool InitPathBoundary (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, PathBoundary *const path_bound, SLState init_sl_state)
 Starting from ADC's current position, increment until the path length, and set lateral bounds to be infinite at every spot.
static void GetStartPoint (common::TrajectoryPoint planning_start_point, const ReferenceLine &reference_line, SLState *init_sl_state)
 Starting from ADC's current position, increment until the horizon, and and set lateral bounds to be infinite at every spot.
static double GetADCLaneWidth (const ReferenceLine &reference_line, const double adc_frenet_s)
 Get lane width in init_sl_state.
static bool GetBoundaryFromLanesAndADC (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, const LaneBorrowInfo &lane_borrow_info, bool is_extend_adc, double ADC_buffer, PathBoundary *const path_bound, std::string *const borrow_lane_type, bool is_fallback_lanechange, const SLState &init_sl_state)
 Refine the boundary based on lane-info and ADC's location.
static bool UpdatePathBoundaryWithBuffer (double left_bound, double right_bound, BoundType left_type, BoundType right_type, std::string left_id, std::string right_id, PathBoundPoint *const bound_point)
 Update the path_boundary at "idx" It also checks if ADC is blocked (lmax < lmin).
static bool UpdateRightPathBoundaryWithBuffer (double right_bound, BoundType right_type, std::string right_id, PathBoundPoint *const bound_point)
 Trim the path bounds starting at the idx where path is blocked.
static bool UpdateLeftPathBoundaryWithBuffer (double left_bound, BoundType left_type, std::string left_id, PathBoundPoint *const bound_point)
static void TrimPathBounds (const int path_blocked_idx, PathBoundary *const path_boundaries)
static std::string FindFarthestBlockObstaclesId (const std::unordered_map< std::string, double > &obs_id_to_start_s)
 Find the farthest obstacle's id which ADC is blocked by
static bool GetBoundaryFromStaticObstacles (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, std::vector< SLPolygon > *const sl_polygons, const SLState &init_sl_state, PathBoundary *const path_boundaries, std::string *const blocking_obstacle_id, double *const narrowest_width)
 Refine the boundary based on static obstacles.
static std::vector< ObstacleEdgeSortObstaclesForSweepLine (const IndexedList< std::string, Obstacle > &indexed_obstacles, const SLState &init_sl_state)
static bool UpdatePathBoundaryAndCenterLineWithBuffer (size_t idx, double left_bound, double right_bound, PathBoundary *const path_boundaries, double *const center_line)
 Update the path_boundary at "idx", as well as the new center-line.
static double GetBufferBetweenADCCenterAndEdge ()
 Get the distance between ADC's center and its edge.
static bool IsWithinPathDeciderScopeObstacle (const Obstacle &obstacle)
 Is obstacle should be considered in path decision
static bool ComputeSLBoundaryIntersection (const SLBoundary &sl_boundary, const double s, double *ptr_l_min, double *ptr_l_max)
 Check is sl range has intersection with sl_boundary
static common::TrajectoryPoint InferFrontAxeCenterFromRearAxeCenter (const common::TrajectoryPoint &traj_point)
static bool GetBoundaryFromSelfLane (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, const SLState &init_sl_state, PathBoundary *const path_bound)
 generate path bound by self lane and adc position
static bool GetBoundaryFromRoad (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, const SLState &init_sl_state, PathBoundary *const path_bound)
static bool ExtendBoundaryByADC (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, const SLState &init_sl_state, const double extend_buffer, PathBoundary *const path_bound)
 extend boundary to include adc
static void ConvertBoundarySAxisFromLaneCenterToRefLine (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, PathBoundary *const path_bound)
static int IsPointWithinPathBound (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, const double x, const double y, const PathBound &path_bound)
static void GetSLPolygons (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, std::vector< SLPolygon > *polygons, const SLState &init_sl_state)
static bool UpdatePathBoundaryBySLPolygon (const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, std::vector< SLPolygon > *const sl_polygon, const SLState &init_sl_state, PathBoundary *const path_boundary, std::string *const blocked_id, double *const narrowest_width)
static bool AddCornerPoint (double s, double l_lower, double l_upper, const PathBoundary &path_boundary, ObsCornerConstraints *extra_constraints)
static bool AddCornerPoint (SLPoint sl_pt, const PathBoundary &path_boundary, ObsCornerConstraints *extra_constraints, bool is_left, std::string obs_id, bool is_front_pt)
static void AddCornerBounds (const std::vector< SLPolygon > &sl_polygons, PathBoundary *const path_boundary)
static void AddAdcVertexBounds (PathBoundary *const path_boundary)
static bool RelaxBoundaryPoint (PathBoundPoint *const path_bound_point, bool is_left, double init_l, double heading, double delta_s, double init_frenet_kappa, double min_radius)
static bool RelaxEgoPathBoundary (PathBoundary *const path_boundary, const SLState &init_sl_state)
static bool RelaxObsCornerBoundary (PathBoundary *const path_boundary, const SLState &init_sl_state)
static bool AddExtraPathBound (const std::vector< SLPolygon > &sl_polygons, PathBoundary *const path_boundary, const SLState &init_sl_state, std::string *const blocked_id)
static bool UpdateBlockInfoWithObsCornerBoundary (PathBoundary *const path_boundary, std::string *const blocked_id)


在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.h42 行定义.


◆ AddAdcVertexBounds()

void apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::AddAdcVertexBounds ( PathBoundary *const  path_boundary)

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc588 行定义.

589 {
590 auto* adc_vertex_bound = path_boundary->mutable_adc_vertex_bound();
591 // front_edge_to_center in Apollo is the front edge to rear center
592 double front_edge_to_center = apollo::common::VehicleConfigHelper::GetConfig()
595 for (size_t i = 0; i < path_boundary->size(); i++) {
596 double rear_axle_s = path_boundary->at(i).s - front_edge_to_center;
597 if (rear_axle_s <= path_boundary->start_s()) {
598 continue;
599 }
600 size_t left_index = 0;
601 size_t right_index = 0;
602 double left_weight = 0.0;
603 double right_weight = 0.0;
604 if (!path_boundary->get_interpolated_s_weight(rear_axle_s, &left_weight,
605 &right_weight, &left_index,
606 &right_index)) {
607 AERROR << "Fail to find vertex path bound point in path boundary: "
608 << path_boundary->at(i).s
609 << "path boundary start s: " << path_boundary->front().s
610 << ", path boundary end s: " << path_boundary->back().s;
611 continue;
612 }
613 adc_vertex_bound->emplace_back(
614 left_weight, right_weight, path_boundary->at(i).l_lower.l,
615 path_boundary->at(i).l_upper.l, left_index, right_index, rear_axle_s);
616 }
617 adc_vertex_bound->front_edge_to_center = front_edge_to_center;
static const VehicleConfig & GetConfig()
Get the current vehicle configuration.
#define AERROR
Definition log.h:44
optional VehicleParam vehicle_param

◆ AddCornerBounds()

void apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::AddCornerBounds ( const std::vector< SLPolygon > &  sl_polygons,
PathBoundary *const  path_boundary 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc532 行定义.

534 {
535 auto* extra_path_bound = path_boundary->mutable_extra_path_bound();
536 for (const auto& obs_polygon : sl_polygons) {
537 if (obs_polygon.MinS() > path_boundary->back().s) {
538 ADEBUG << "obs_polygon.MinS()" << obs_polygon.MinS()
539 << "path_boundary->back().s" << path_boundary->back().s;
540 break;
541 }
542 if (obs_polygon.MaxS() < path_boundary->front().s) {
543 continue;
544 }
545 if (obs_polygon.NudgeInfo() == SLPolygon::LEFT_NUDGE) {
546 for (size_t i = 0; i < obs_polygon.LeftBoundary().size(); i++) {
547 auto pt = obs_polygon.LeftBoundary().at(i);
548 bool is_front_pt = i < (obs_polygon.LeftBoundary().size() * 0.5);
549 if (!AddCornerPoint(pt, *path_boundary, extra_path_bound, false,
550 obs_polygon.id(), is_front_pt)) {
551 break;
552 }
553 }
554 // for (auto pt : obs_polygon.LeftBoundary()) {
555 // if (!AddCornerPoint(pt, *path_boundary, extra_path_bound, false,
556 // obs_polygon.id())) {
557 // break;
558 // }
559 // }
560 } else if (obs_polygon.NudgeInfo() == SLPolygon::RIGHT_NUDGE) {
561 for (size_t i = 0; i < obs_polygon.RightBoundary().size(); i++) {
562 auto pt = obs_polygon.RightBoundary().at(i);
563 bool is_front_pt = i > (obs_polygon.RightBoundary().size() * 0.5);
564 if (!AddCornerPoint(pt, *path_boundary, extra_path_bound, true,
565 obs_polygon.id(), is_front_pt)) {
566 break;
567 }
568 }
569 // for (auto pt : obs_polygon.RightBoundary()) {
570 // if (!AddCornerPoint(pt, *path_boundary, extra_path_bound, true,
571 // obs_polygon.id())) {
572 // break;
573 // }
574 // }
575 } else {
576 AINFO << "no nugde info, ignore obs: " << obs_polygon.id();
577 }
578 if (!extra_path_bound->blocked_id.empty()) {
579 break;
580 }
581 }
582 // sort(extra_path_bound->begin(), extra_path_bound->end(),
583 // [](const InterPolatedPoint& a, const InterPolatedPoint& b) {
584 // return a.rear_axle_s < b.rear_axle_s;
585 // });
static bool AddCornerPoint(double s, double l_lower, double l_upper, const PathBoundary &path_boundary, ObsCornerConstraints *extra_constraints)
#define ADEBUG
Definition log.h:41
#define AINFO
Definition log.h:42

◆ AddCornerPoint() [1/2]

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::AddCornerPoint ( double  s,
double  l_lower,
double  l_upper,
const PathBoundary path_boundary,
ObsCornerConstraints extra_constraints 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc422 行定义.

424 {
425 size_t left_index = 0;
426 size_t right_index = 0;
427 double left_weight = 0.0;
428 double right_weight = 0.0;
429 if (!path_boundary.get_interpolated_s_weight(s, &left_weight, &right_weight,
430 &left_index, &right_index)) {
431 AERROR << "Fail to find extra path bound point in path boundary: " << s
432 << ", path boundary start s: " << path_boundary.front().s
433 << ", path boundary end s: " << path_boundary.back().s;
434 return false;
435 }
436 if (left_weight < 0.05 || right_weight < 0.05) {
437 // filter contraint that near evaulated point
438 return false;
439 }
440 ADEBUG << "corner" << s << "left_weight" << left_weight << "right_weight"
441 << right_weight << "left_index" << left_index << "right_index"
442 << right_index << "l_lower" << l_lower << "l_upper" << l_upper;
443 extra_constraints->emplace_back(left_weight, right_weight, l_lower, l_upper,
444 left_index, right_index, s);
445 return true;

◆ AddCornerPoint() [2/2]

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::AddCornerPoint ( SLPoint  sl_pt,
const PathBoundary path_boundary,
ObsCornerConstraints extra_constraints,
bool  is_left,
std::string  obs_id,
bool  is_front_pt 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc448 行定义.

451 {
452 size_t left_index = 0;
453 size_t right_index = 0;
454 double left_weight = 0.0;
455 double right_weight = 0.0;
456 if (!path_boundary.get_interpolated_s_weight(
457 sl_pt.s(), &left_weight, &right_weight, &left_index, &right_index)) {
458 AERROR << "Fail to find extra path bound point in path boundary: "
459 << sl_pt.s()
460 << ", path boundary start s: " << path_boundary.front().s
461 << ", path boundary end s: " << path_boundary.back().s;
462 return true;
463 }
464 // if (left_weight < 0.05 || right_weight < 0.05) {
465 // // filter contraint that near evaulated point
466 // return true;
467 // }
469 double bound_l_upper = path_boundary.get_upper_bound_by_interpolated_index(
470 left_weight, right_weight, left_index, right_index);
471 double bound_l_lower = path_boundary.get_lower_bound_by_interpolated_index(
472 left_weight, right_weight, left_index, right_index);
474 double corner_l = is_left ? sl_pt.l() - GetBufferBetweenADCCenterAndEdge()
475 : sl_pt.l() + GetBufferBetweenADCCenterAndEdge();
476 if ((is_left && corner_l < bound_l_upper) ||
477 (!is_left && corner_l > bound_l_lower)) {
478 if (is_left) {
479 bound_l_upper = corner_l;
480 } else {
481 bound_l_lower = corner_l;
482 }
483 extra_constraints->emplace_back(left_weight, right_weight, bound_l_lower,
484 bound_l_upper, left_index, right_index,
485 sl_pt.s(), obs_id);
486 if (bound_l_upper < bound_l_lower) {
487 extra_constraints->blocked_id = obs_id;
488 extra_constraints->block_left_index = left_index;
489 extra_constraints->block_right_index = right_index;
490 AINFO << "AddCornerPoint blocked id: " << obs_id << ", index ["
491 << left_index << ", " << right_index << "]";
492 return false;
493 }
494 }
496 if (FLAGS_enable_expand_obs_corner) {
497 double add_s = is_front_pt ? sl_pt.s() - FLAGS_expand_obs_corner_lon_buffer
498 : sl_pt.s() + FLAGS_expand_obs_corner_lon_buffer;
499 if (!path_boundary.get_interpolated_s_weight(
500 add_s, &left_weight, &right_weight, &left_index, &right_index)) {
501 return true;
502 }
504 bound_l_upper = path_boundary.get_upper_bound_by_interpolated_index(
505 left_weight, right_weight, left_index, right_index);
506 bound_l_lower = path_boundary.get_lower_bound_by_interpolated_index(
507 left_weight, right_weight, left_index, right_index);
509 if ((is_left && corner_l < bound_l_upper) ||
510 (!is_left && corner_l > bound_l_lower)) {
511 if (is_left) {
512 bound_l_upper = corner_l;
513 } else {
514 bound_l_lower = corner_l;
515 }
516 extra_constraints->emplace_back(left_weight, right_weight, bound_l_lower,
517 bound_l_upper, left_index, right_index,
518 add_s, obs_id);
519 if (bound_l_upper < bound_l_lower) {
520 extra_constraints->blocked_id = obs_id;
521 extra_constraints->block_left_index = left_index;
522 extra_constraints->block_right_index = right_index;
523 AINFO << "AddCornerPoint blocked id: " << obs_id << ", index ["
524 << left_index << ", " << right_index << "]";
525 return false;
526 }
527 }
528 }
529 return true;
static double GetBufferBetweenADCCenterAndEdge()
Get the distance between ADC's center and its edge.

◆ AddExtraPathBound()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::AddExtraPathBound ( const std::vector< SLPolygon > &  sl_polygons,
PathBoundary *const  path_boundary,
const SLState init_sl_state,
std::string *const  blocked_id 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc1147 行定义.

1150 {
1151 RelaxEgoPathBoundary(path_boundary, init_sl_state);
1152 if (FLAGS_enable_corner_constraint) {
1153 AddCornerBounds(sl_polygons, path_boundary);
1154 RelaxObsCornerBoundary(path_boundary, init_sl_state);
1155 UpdateBlockInfoWithObsCornerBoundary(path_boundary, blocked_id);
1156 }
1157 if (FLAGS_enable_adc_vertex_constraint) {
1158 AddAdcVertexBounds(path_boundary);
1159 }
1160 return true;
static bool RelaxObsCornerBoundary(PathBoundary *const path_boundary, const SLState &init_sl_state)
static bool RelaxEgoPathBoundary(PathBoundary *const path_boundary, const SLState &init_sl_state)
static void AddCornerBounds(const std::vector< SLPolygon > &sl_polygons, PathBoundary *const path_boundary)
static void AddAdcVertexBounds(PathBoundary *const path_boundary)
static bool UpdateBlockInfoWithObsCornerBoundary(PathBoundary *const path_boundary, std::string *const blocked_id)

◆ ComputeSLBoundaryIntersection()

static bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::ComputeSLBoundaryIntersection ( const SLBoundary sl_boundary,
const double  s,
double *  ptr_l_min,
double *  ptr_l_max 

Check is sl range has intersection with sl_boundary

sl_boundaryinput sl_boundary
ss of sl range
ptr_l_minl min pointer of sl range
ptr_l_maxl max pointer of sl range
If has intersection, return true

◆ ConvertBoundarySAxisFromLaneCenterToRefLine()

void apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::ConvertBoundarySAxisFromLaneCenterToRefLine ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
PathBoundary *const  path_bound 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc832 行定义.

834 {
835 const ReferenceLine& reference_line = reference_line_info.reference_line();
836 for (size_t i = 0; i < path_bound->size(); ++i) {
837 // 1. Get road boundary.
838 double curr_s = (*path_bound)[i].s;
839 double refline_offset_to_lane_center = 0.0;
840 reference_line.GetOffsetToMap(curr_s, &refline_offset_to_lane_center);
841 (*path_bound)[i].l_lower.l -= refline_offset_to_lane_center;
842 (*path_bound)[i].l_upper.l -= refline_offset_to_lane_center;
843 }

◆ ExtendBoundaryByADC()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::ExtendBoundaryByADC ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
const SLState init_sl_state,
const double  extend_buffer,
PathBoundary *const  path_bound 

extend boundary to include adc

init_sl_stateadc init sl state
extend_bufferentend adc bound buffer
path_boundoutput path bound

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc787 行定义.

789 {
790 double adc_l_to_lane_center = init_sl_state.second[0];
791 static constexpr double kMaxLateralAccelerations = 1.5;
793 double ADC_speed_buffer = (init_sl_state.second[1] > 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0) *
794 init_sl_state.second[1] * init_sl_state.second[1] /
795 kMaxLateralAccelerations / 2.0;
796 double adc_half_width =
798 double left_bound_adc =
799 std::fmax(adc_l_to_lane_center, adc_l_to_lane_center + ADC_speed_buffer) +
800 adc_half_width + extend_buffer;
801 double right_bound_adc =
802 std::fmin(adc_l_to_lane_center, adc_l_to_lane_center + ADC_speed_buffer) -
803 adc_half_width - extend_buffer;
805 static constexpr double kEpsilon = 0.05;
806 for (size_t i = 0; i < path_bound->size(); ++i) {
807 double road_left_width = std::fabs(left_bound_adc) + kEpsilon;
808 double road_right_width = std::fabs(right_bound_adc) + kEpsilon;
809 reference_line_info.reference_line().GetRoadWidth(
810 (*path_bound)[i].s, &road_left_width, &road_right_width);
811 double left_bound_road = road_left_width - adc_half_width;
812 double right_bound_road = -road_right_width + adc_half_width;
814 if (left_bound_adc > (*path_bound)[i].l_upper.l) {
815 (*path_bound)[i].l_upper.l =
816 std::max(std::min(left_bound_adc, left_bound_road),
817 (*path_bound)[i].l_upper.l);
818 (*path_bound)[i].l_upper.type = BoundType::ADC;
819 (*path_bound)[i].l_upper.id = "adc";
820 }
821 if (right_bound_adc < (*path_bound)[i].l_lower.l) {
822 (*path_bound)[i].l_lower.l =
823 std::min(std::max(right_bound_adc, right_bound_road),
824 (*path_bound)[i].l_lower.l);
825 (*path_bound)[i].l_lower.type = BoundType::ADC;
826 (*path_bound)[i].l_lower.id = "adc";
827 }
828 }
829 return true;

◆ FindFarthestBlockObstaclesId()

static std::string apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::FindFarthestBlockObstaclesId ( const std::unordered_map< std::string, double > &  obs_id_to_start_s)

Find the farthest obstacle's id which ADC is blocked by

obs_id_to_start_sblocked obstacles' start_s map
If obs_id_to_start_s is empty return "", else return the nearest obstacle's id.

◆ GetADCLaneWidth()

double apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::GetADCLaneWidth ( const ReferenceLine reference_line,
const double  adc_frenet_s 

Get lane width in init_sl_state.

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc96 行定义.

97 {
98 double lane_left_width = 0.0;
99 double lane_right_width = 0.0;
100 if (!reference_line.GetLaneWidth(adc_s, &lane_left_width,
101 &lane_right_width)) {
102 constexpr double kDefaultLaneWidth = 5.0;
103 AWARN << "Failed to get lane width at planning start point.";
104 return kDefaultLaneWidth;
105 } else {
106 return lane_left_width + lane_right_width;
107 }
#define AWARN
Definition log.h:43

◆ GetBoundaryFromLanesAndADC()

static bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::GetBoundaryFromLanesAndADC ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
const LaneBorrowInfo lane_borrow_info,
bool  is_extend_adc,
double  ADC_buffer,
PathBoundary *const  path_bound,
std::string *const  borrow_lane_type,
bool  is_fallback_lanechange,
const SLState init_sl_state 

Refine the boundary based on lane-info and ADC's location.

It will comply to the lane-boundary. However, if the ADC itself is out of the given lane(s), it will adjust the boundary accordingly to include ADC's current position.

◆ GetBoundaryFromRoad()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::GetBoundaryFromRoad ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
const SLState init_sl_state,
PathBoundary *const  path_bound 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc738 行定义.

740 {
741 // Sanity checks.
742 CHECK_NOTNULL(path_bound);
743 ACHECK(!path_bound->empty());
744 const ReferenceLine& reference_line = reference_line_info.reference_line();
745 double adc_lane_width =
746 GetADCLaneWidth(reference_line, init_sl_state.first[0]);
747 // Go through every point, update the boudnary based on the road boundary.
748 double past_road_left_width = adc_lane_width / 2.0;
749 double past_road_right_width = adc_lane_width / 2.0;
750 int path_blocked_idx = -1;
751 for (size_t i = 0; i < path_bound->size(); ++i) {
752 // 1. Get road boundary.
753 double curr_s = (*path_bound)[i].s;
754 double curr_road_left_width = 0.0;
755 double curr_road_right_width = 0.0;
756 if (!reference_line.GetRoadWidth(curr_s, &curr_road_left_width,
757 &curr_road_right_width)) {
758 AWARN << "Failed to get lane width at s = " << curr_s;
759 curr_road_left_width = past_road_left_width;
760 curr_road_right_width = past_road_right_width;
761 }
763 past_road_left_width = curr_road_left_width;
764 past_road_right_width = curr_road_right_width;
766 double curr_left_bound = curr_road_left_width;
767 double curr_right_bound = -curr_road_right_width;
768 ADEBUG << "At s = " << curr_s
769 << ", left road bound = " << curr_road_left_width
770 << ", right road bound = " << curr_road_right_width;
772 // 2. Update into path_bound.
773 if (!UpdatePathBoundaryWithBuffer(curr_left_bound, curr_right_bound,
775 &path_bound->at(i))) {
776 path_blocked_idx = static_cast<int>(i);
777 }
778 if (path_blocked_idx != -1) {
779 break;
780 }
781 }
782 AINFO << "path_blocked_idx: " << path_blocked_idx;
783 TrimPathBounds(path_blocked_idx, path_bound);
784 return true;
static void TrimPathBounds(const int path_blocked_idx, PathBoundary *const path_boundaries)
static bool UpdatePathBoundaryWithBuffer(double left_bound, double right_bound, BoundType left_type, BoundType right_type, std::string left_id, std::string right_id, PathBoundPoint *const bound_point)
Update the path_boundary at "idx" It also checks if ADC is blocked (lmax < lmin).
static double GetADCLaneWidth(const ReferenceLine &reference_line, const double adc_frenet_s)
Get lane width in init_sl_state.
#define ACHECK(cond)
Definition log.h:80

◆ GetBoundaryFromSelfLane()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::GetBoundaryFromSelfLane ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
const SLState init_sl_state,
PathBoundary *const  path_bound 

generate path bound by self lane and adc position

init_sl_stateadc init sl state
is_extend_adc_boundwhether to include adc boundary in path bound
extend_bufferentend adc bound buffer
path_boundoutput path bound
If succeed return true

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc680 行定义.

682 {
683 // Sanity checks.
684 CHECK_NOTNULL(path_bound);
685 ACHECK(!path_bound->empty());
686 const ReferenceLine& reference_line = reference_line_info.reference_line();
687 double adc_lane_width =
688 GetADCLaneWidth(reference_line, init_sl_state.first[0]);
689 // Go through every point, update the boundary based on lane info and
690 // ADC's position.
691 double past_lane_left_width = adc_lane_width / 2.0;
692 double past_lane_right_width = adc_lane_width / 2.0;
693 int path_blocked_idx = -1;
694 for (size_t i = 0; i < path_bound->size(); ++i) {
695 double curr_s = (*path_bound)[i].s;
696 // 1. Get the current lane width at current point.
697 double curr_lane_left_width = 0.0;
698 double curr_lane_right_width = 0.0;
699 double offset_to_lane_center = 0.0;
700 if (!reference_line.GetLaneWidth(curr_s, &curr_lane_left_width,
701 &curr_lane_right_width)) {
702 AWARN << "Failed to get lane width at s = " << curr_s;
703 curr_lane_left_width = past_lane_left_width;
704 curr_lane_right_width = past_lane_right_width;
705 } else {
706 reference_line.GetOffsetToMap(curr_s, &offset_to_lane_center);
707 curr_lane_left_width += offset_to_lane_center;
708 curr_lane_right_width -= offset_to_lane_center;
709 past_lane_left_width = curr_lane_left_width;
710 past_lane_right_width = curr_lane_right_width;
711 }
713 // 3. Calculate the proper boundary based on lane-width, ADC's position,
714 // and ADC's velocity.
715 double offset_to_map = 0.0;
716 reference_line.GetOffsetToMap(curr_s, &offset_to_map);
718 double curr_left_bound = 0.0;
719 double curr_right_bound = 0.0;
720 curr_left_bound = curr_lane_left_width - offset_to_map;
721 curr_right_bound = -curr_lane_right_width - offset_to_map;
722 // 4. Update the boundary.
723 if (!UpdatePathBoundaryWithBuffer(curr_left_bound, curr_right_bound,
725 &path_bound->at(i))) {
726 path_blocked_idx = static_cast<int>(i);
727 }
728 if (path_blocked_idx != -1) {
729 break;
730 }
731 }
733 PathBoundsDeciderUtil::TrimPathBounds(path_blocked_idx, path_bound);
735 return true;

◆ GetBoundaryFromStaticObstacles()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::GetBoundaryFromStaticObstacles ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
std::vector< SLPolygon > *const  sl_polygons,
const SLState init_sl_state,
PathBoundary *const  path_boundaries,
std::string *const  blocking_obstacle_id,
double *const  narrowest_width 

Refine the boundary based on static obstacles.

It will make sure the boundary doesn't contain any static obstacle so that the path generated by optimizer won't collide with any static obstacle.

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc620 行定义.

624 {
625 UpdatePathBoundaryBySLPolygon(reference_line_info, sl_polygons, init_sl_state,
626 path_boundary, blocking_obstacle_id,
627 narrowest_width);
628 AddExtraPathBound(*sl_polygons, path_boundary, init_sl_state,
629 blocking_obstacle_id);
630 return true;
static bool UpdatePathBoundaryBySLPolygon(const ReferenceLineInfo &reference_line_info, std::vector< SLPolygon > *const sl_polygon, const SLState &init_sl_state, PathBoundary *const path_boundary, std::string *const blocked_id, double *const narrowest_width)
static bool AddExtraPathBound(const std::vector< SLPolygon > &sl_polygons, PathBoundary *const path_boundary, const SLState &init_sl_state, std::string *const blocked_id)

◆ GetBufferBetweenADCCenterAndEdge()

double apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::GetBufferBetweenADCCenterAndEdge ( )

Get the distance between ADC's center and its edge.

The distance.

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc633 行定义.

633 {
634 double adc_half_width =
637 return (adc_half_width + FLAGS_obstacle_lat_buffer);

◆ GetSLPolygons()

void apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::GetSLPolygons ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
std::vector< SLPolygon > *  polygons,
const SLState init_sl_state 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc191 行定义.

193 {
194 polygons->clear();
195 auto obstacles = reference_line_info.path_decision().obstacles();
196 const double adc_back_edge_s = reference_line_info.AdcSlBoundary().start_s();
197 for (const auto* obstacle : obstacles.Items()) {
198 if (!IsWithinPathDeciderScopeObstacle(*obstacle)) {
199 continue;
200 }
201 auto xy_poly = obstacle->PerceptionPolygon();
203 // if (obstacle->PerceptionSLBoundary().end_s() < init_sl_state.first[0]) {
204 // continue;
205 // }
206 if (obstacle->PerceptionSLBoundary().end_s() < adc_back_edge_s) {
207 continue;
208 }
209 const auto obstacle_sl = obstacle->PerceptionSLBoundary();
210 polygons->emplace_back(obstacle_sl, obstacle->Id(),
211 obstacle->Perception().type());
212 }
213 sort(polygons->begin(), polygons->end(),
214 [](const SLPolygon& a, const SLPolygon& b) {
215 return a.MinS() < b.MinS();
216 });
static bool IsWithinPathDeciderScopeObstacle(const Obstacle &obstacle)
Is obstacle should be considered in path decision

◆ GetStartPoint()

void apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::GetStartPoint ( common::TrajectoryPoint  planning_start_point,
const ReferenceLine reference_line,
SLState init_sl_state 

Starting from ADC's current position, increment until the horizon, and and set lateral bounds to be infinite at every spot.

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc79 行定义.

81 {
82 if (FLAGS_use_front_axe_center_in_path_planning) {
83 planning_start_point =
84 InferFrontAxeCenterFromRearAxeCenter(planning_start_point);
85 }
86 AINFO << std::fixed << "Plan at the starting point: x = "
87 << planning_start_point.path_point().x()
88 << ", y = " << planning_start_point.path_point().y()
89 << ", and angle = " << planning_start_point.path_point().theta();
91 // Initialize some private variables.
92 // ADC s/l info.
93 *init_sl_state = reference_line.ToFrenetFrame(planning_start_point);
static common::TrajectoryPoint InferFrontAxeCenterFromRearAxeCenter(const common::TrajectoryPoint &traj_point)

◆ InferFrontAxeCenterFromRearAxeCenter()

common::TrajectoryPoint apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::InferFrontAxeCenterFromRearAxeCenter ( const common::TrajectoryPoint traj_point)

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc666 行定义.

667 {
668 double front_to_rear_axe_distance =
670 common::TrajectoryPoint ret = traj_point;
671 ret.mutable_path_point()->set_x(
672 traj_point.path_point().x() +
673 front_to_rear_axe_distance * std::cos(traj_point.path_point().theta()));
674 ret.mutable_path_point()->set_y(
675 traj_point.path_point().y() +
676 front_to_rear_axe_distance * std::sin(traj_point.path_point().theta()));
677 return ret;

◆ InitPathBoundary()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::InitPathBoundary ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
PathBoundary *const  path_bound,
SLState  init_sl_state 

Starting from ADC's current position, increment until the path length, and set lateral bounds to be infinite at every spot.

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc40 行定义.

42 {
43 // Sanity checks.
44 CHECK_NOTNULL(path_bound);
45 path_bound->clear();
46 const auto& reference_line = reference_line_info.reference_line();
47 path_bound->set_delta_s(FLAGS_path_bounds_decider_resolution);
49 const auto& vehicle_config =
50 common::VehicleConfigHelper::Instance()->GetConfig();
51 const double ego_front_to_center =
52 vehicle_config.vehicle_param().front_edge_to_center();
53 double index = 0;
54 const auto& reference_line_towing_l =
55 reference_line_info.reference_line_towing_l();
56 for (double curr_s = init_sl_state.first[0];
57 curr_s < std::fmin(init_sl_state.first[0] +
58 std::fmax(FLAGS_path_bounds_horizon,
59 reference_line_info.GetCruiseSpeed() *
60 FLAGS_trajectory_time_length),
61 reference_line.Length() - ego_front_to_center);
62 curr_s += FLAGS_path_bounds_decider_resolution) {
63 path_bound->emplace_back(curr_s, std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
64 std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
65 if (index < reference_line_towing_l.size()) {
66 path_bound->back().towing_l = reference_line_towing_l.at(index);
67 }
68 index++;
69 }
71 // Return.
72 if (path_bound->empty()) {
73 ADEBUG << "Empty path boundary in InitPathBoundary";
74 return false;
75 }
76 return true;

◆ IsPointWithinPathBound()

int apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::IsPointWithinPathBound ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
const double  x,
const double  y,
const PathBound path_bound 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc846 行定义.

848 {
849 common::SLPoint point_sl;
850 reference_line_info.reference_line().XYToSL({x, y}, &point_sl);
851 if (point_sl.s() > path_bound.back().s ||
852 point_sl.s() <
853 path_bound.front().s - FLAGS_path_bounds_decider_resolution * 2) {
854 ADEBUG << "Longitudinally outside the boundary.";
855 return -1;
856 }
857 int idx_after = 0;
858 while (idx_after < static_cast<int>(path_bound.size()) &&
859 path_bound[idx_after].s < point_sl.s()) {
860 ++idx_after;
861 }
862 ADEBUG << "The idx_after = " << idx_after;
863 ADEBUG << "The boundary is: "
864 << "[" << path_bound[idx_after].l_lower.l << ", "
865 << path_bound[idx_after].l_upper.l << "].";
866 ADEBUG << "The point is at: " << point_sl.l();
867 int idx_before = idx_after - 1;
868 if (path_bound[idx_before].l_lower.l <= point_sl.l() &&
869 path_bound[idx_before].l_upper.l >= point_sl.l() &&
870 path_bound[idx_after].l_lower.l <= point_sl.l() &&
871 path_bound[idx_after].l_upper.l >= point_sl.l()) {
872 return idx_after;
873 }
874 ADEBUG << "Laterally outside the boundary.";
875 return -1;

◆ IsWithinPathDeciderScopeObstacle()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::IsWithinPathDeciderScopeObstacle ( const Obstacle obstacle)

Is obstacle should be considered in path decision

obstaclecheck obstacle
If obstacle should be considered return true

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc640 行定义.

641 {
642 // Obstacle should be non-virtual.
643 if (obstacle.IsVirtual()) {
644 return false;
645 }
646 // Obstacle should not have ignore decision.
647 if (obstacle.HasLongitudinalDecision() && obstacle.HasLateralDecision() &&
648 obstacle.IsIgnore()) {
649 return false;
650 }
651 // Obstacle should not be moving obstacle.
652 if (!obstacle.IsStatic() ||
653 obstacle.speed() > FLAGS_static_obstacle_speed_threshold) {
654 return false;
655 }
656 // TODO(jiacheng):
657 // Some obstacles are not moving, but only because they are waiting for
658 // red light (traffic rule) or because they are blocked by others (social).
659 // These obstacles will almost certainly move in the near future and we
660 // should not side-pass such obstacles.
662 return true;

◆ RelaxBoundaryPoint()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::RelaxBoundaryPoint ( PathBoundPoint *const  path_bound_point,
bool  is_left,
double  init_l,
double  heading,
double  delta_s,
double  init_frenet_kappa,
double  min_radius 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc878 行定义.

881 {
882 bool is_success = false;
883 double protective_restrict = 0.0;
884 double relax_constraint = 0.0;
885 double radius = 1.0 / std::fabs(init_frenet_kappa);
886 double old_buffer = FLAGS_obstacle_lat_buffer;
887 double new_buffer = std::max(FLAGS_ego_front_slack_buffer,
888 FLAGS_nonstatic_obstacle_nudge_l_buffer);
889 if (is_left) {
890 if (init_frenet_kappa > 0 && heading < 0) {
892 delta_s, min_radius, heading, init_frenet_kappa,
893 &protective_restrict);
894 } else {
895 is_success = util::left_arc_bound_with_heading(delta_s, radius, heading,
896 &protective_restrict);
897 }
899 relax_constraint =
900 std::max(path_bound_point->l_upper.l, init_l + protective_restrict);
901 AINFO << "init_pt_l: " << init_l
902 << ", left_bound: " << path_bound_point->l_upper.l
903 << ", diff s: " << delta_s << ", radius: " << radius
904 << ", protective_restrict: " << protective_restrict
905 << ", left_obs_constraint: " << relax_constraint;
907 if (path_bound_point->is_nudge_bound[LEFT_INDEX]) {
908 old_buffer = std::max(FLAGS_obstacle_lat_buffer,
909 FLAGS_static_obstacle_nudge_l_buffer);
910 }
912 relax_constraint =
913 std::min(path_bound_point->l_upper.l + old_buffer - new_buffer,
914 relax_constraint);
915 AINFO << "left_obs_constraint: " << relax_constraint;
916 path_bound_point->l_upper.l = relax_constraint;
917 } else {
918 if (init_frenet_kappa < 0 && heading > 0) {
920 delta_s, min_radius, heading, init_frenet_kappa,
921 &protective_restrict);
922 } else {
923 is_success = util::right_arc_bound_with_heading(delta_s, radius, heading,
924 &protective_restrict);
925 }
926 relax_constraint =
927 std::min(path_bound_point->l_lower.l, init_l + protective_restrict);
928 AINFO << "init_pt_l: " << init_l
929 << ", right_bound: " << path_bound_point->l_lower.l
930 << ", diff s: " << delta_s << ", radius: " << radius
931 << ", protective_restrict: " << protective_restrict
932 << ", right_obs_constraint: " << relax_constraint;
934 if (path_bound_point->is_nudge_bound[RIGHT_INDEX]) {
935 old_buffer = std::max(FLAGS_obstacle_lat_buffer,
936 FLAGS_static_obstacle_nudge_l_buffer);
937 }
939 relax_constraint =
940 std::max(path_bound_point->l_lower.l - old_buffer + new_buffer,
941 relax_constraint);
942 AINFO << "right_obs_constraint: " << relax_constraint;
943 path_bound_point->l_lower.l = relax_constraint;
944 }
945 return is_success;
bool left_arc_bound_with_heading(double delta_x, double r, double heading, double *result)
Definition util.cc:242
bool right_arc_bound_with_heading(double delta_x, double r, double heading, double *result)
Definition util.cc:257
bool left_arc_bound_with_heading_with_reverse_kappa(double delta_x, double r, double heading, double kappa, double *result)
Definition util.cc:271
bool right_arc_bound_with_heading_with_reverse_kappa(double delta_x, double r, double heading, double kappa, double *result)
Definition util.cc:293
#define LEFT_INDEX

◆ RelaxEgoPathBoundary()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::RelaxEgoPathBoundary ( PathBoundary *const  path_boundary,
const SLState init_sl_state 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc948 行定义.

949 {
950 if (path_boundary->size() < 2) {
951 AINFO << "path_boundary size = 0, return.";
952 return false;
953 }
954 const auto& veh_param =
956 double min_radius =
957 std::max(veh_param.min_turn_radius(),
958 std::tan(veh_param.max_steer_angle() / veh_param.steer_ratio()) /
959 veh_param.wheel_base());
961 double init_frenet_kappa =
962 init_sl_state.second[2] /
963 std::pow(1 + std::pow(init_sl_state.second[1], 2), 1.5);
964 if (init_frenet_kappa < 0) {
965 init_frenet_kappa = std::min(
966 -1.0 / (min_radius + FLAGS_relax_ego_radius_buffer), init_frenet_kappa);
967 } else {
968 init_frenet_kappa = std::max(
969 1.0 / (min_radius + FLAGS_relax_ego_radius_buffer), init_frenet_kappa);
970 }
972 const auto& init_pt = path_boundary->at(0);
973 double init_frenet_heading =
974 common::math::Vec2d(1.0, init_sl_state.second[1]).Angle();
975 double init_pt_l = init_sl_state.second[0];
976 bool left_calculate_success = true;
977 bool right_calculate_success = true;
978 for (size_t i = 1; i < path_boundary->size(); ++i) {
979 auto& left_bound = path_boundary->at(i).l_upper;
980 auto& right_bound = path_boundary->at(i).l_lower;
981 double delta_s = path_boundary->at(i).s - init_pt.s;
982 if (delta_s > FLAGS_relax_path_s_threshold) {
983 left_calculate_success = false;
984 right_calculate_success = false;
985 break;
986 }
987 if (left_calculate_success &&
988 (left_bound.type == BoundType::OBSTACLE ||
989 path_boundary->at(i).is_nudge_bound[LEFT_INDEX])) {
990 left_calculate_success = RelaxBoundaryPoint(
991 &path_boundary->at(i), true, init_pt_l, init_frenet_heading, delta_s,
992 init_frenet_kappa, min_radius);
993 }
994 if (right_calculate_success &&
995 (right_bound.type == BoundType::OBSTACLE ||
996 path_boundary->at(i).is_nudge_bound[RIGHT_INDEX])) {
997 right_calculate_success = RelaxBoundaryPoint(
998 &path_boundary->at(i), false, init_pt_l, init_frenet_heading, delta_s,
999 init_frenet_kappa, min_radius);
1000 }
1001 if (!left_calculate_success && !right_calculate_success) {
1002 break;
1003 }
1004 }
1005 return true;
static bool RelaxBoundaryPoint(PathBoundPoint *const path_bound_point, bool is_left, double init_l, double heading, double delta_s, double init_frenet_kappa, double min_radius)

◆ RelaxObsCornerBoundary()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::RelaxObsCornerBoundary ( PathBoundary *const  path_boundary,
const SLState init_sl_state 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc1008 行定义.

1009 {
1010 if (path_boundary->size() < 2) {
1011 AINFO << "path_boundary size = 0, return.";
1012 return false;
1013 }
1014 const auto& veh_param =
1016 double min_radius =
1017 std::max(veh_param.min_turn_radius(),
1018 std::tan(veh_param.max_steer_angle() / veh_param.steer_ratio()) /
1019 veh_param.wheel_base());
1021 double init_frenet_kappa =
1022 std::fabs(init_sl_state.second[2] /
1023 std::pow(1 + std::pow(init_sl_state.second[1], 2), 1.5));
1024 if (init_frenet_kappa < 0) {
1025 init_frenet_kappa = std::min(
1026 -1.0 / (min_radius + FLAGS_relax_ego_radius_buffer), init_frenet_kappa);
1027 } else {
1028 init_frenet_kappa = std::max(
1029 1.0 / (min_radius + FLAGS_relax_ego_radius_buffer), init_frenet_kappa);
1030 }
1031 double kappa_radius = 1.0 / std::fabs(init_frenet_kappa);
1033 const auto& init_pt = path_boundary->at(0);
1034 double init_frenet_heading =
1035 common::math::Vec2d(1.0, init_sl_state.second[1]).Angle();
1036 double init_pt_l = init_sl_state.second[0];
1037 bool left_calculate_success = true;
1038 bool right_calculate_success = true;
1039 double new_buffer = std::max(FLAGS_ego_front_slack_buffer,
1040 FLAGS_nonstatic_obstacle_nudge_l_buffer);
1041 for (auto& extra_path_bound : *(path_boundary->mutable_extra_path_bound())) {
1042 double delta_s = extra_path_bound.rear_axle_s - init_pt.s;
1043 if (delta_s > FLAGS_relax_path_s_threshold) {
1044 break;
1045 }
1047 // calculate the left side
1048 if (left_calculate_success) {
1049 double left_protective_restrict = 0.0;
1050 if (init_frenet_kappa > 0 && init_frenet_heading < 0) {
1051 left_calculate_success =
1053 delta_s, min_radius, init_frenet_heading, init_frenet_kappa,
1054 &left_protective_restrict);
1055 } else {
1056 left_calculate_success = util::left_arc_bound_with_heading(
1057 delta_s, kappa_radius, init_frenet_heading,
1058 &left_protective_restrict);
1059 }
1061 double left_obs_constraint = std::max(
1062 extra_path_bound.upper_bound, init_pt_l + left_protective_restrict);
1063 AINFO << "extra_path_bound, init_pt_l: " << init_pt_l
1064 << ", left_bound: " << extra_path_bound.upper_bound
1065 << ", diff s: " << delta_s << ", min_radius: " << min_radius
1066 << ", init_frenet_heading: " << init_frenet_heading
1067 << ", protective_restrict: " << left_protective_restrict
1068 << ", left_obs_constraint: " << left_obs_constraint;
1069 left_obs_constraint = std::min(
1070 extra_path_bound.upper_bound + FLAGS_obstacle_lat_buffer - new_buffer,
1071 left_obs_constraint);
1072 AINFO << "extra_path_bound left_obs_constraint: " << left_obs_constraint;
1073 extra_path_bound.upper_bound = left_obs_constraint;
1074 }
1076 if (right_calculate_success) {
1077 // calculate the right side
1078 double right_protective_restrict = 0.0;
1079 if (init_frenet_kappa < 0 && init_frenet_heading > 0) {
1080 right_calculate_success =
1082 delta_s, min_radius, init_frenet_heading, init_frenet_kappa,
1083 &right_protective_restrict);
1084 } else {
1085 right_calculate_success = util::right_arc_bound_with_heading(
1086 delta_s, kappa_radius, init_frenet_heading,
1087 &right_protective_restrict);
1088 }
1090 double right_obs_constraint = std::min(
1091 extra_path_bound.lower_bound, init_pt_l + right_protective_restrict);
1092 AINFO << "extra_path_bound, init_pt_l: " << init_pt_l
1093 << ", right_bound: " << extra_path_bound.lower_bound
1094 << ", diff s: " << delta_s << ", min_radius: " << min_radius
1095 << ", init_frenet_heading: " << init_frenet_heading
1096 << ", protective_restrict: " << right_protective_restrict
1097 << ", right_obs_constraint: " << right_obs_constraint;
1098 right_obs_constraint = std::max(
1099 extra_path_bound.lower_bound - FLAGS_obstacle_lat_buffer + new_buffer,
1100 right_obs_constraint);
1101 AINFO << "extra_path_bound, right_obs_constraint: "
1102 << right_obs_constraint;
1103 extra_path_bound.lower_bound = right_obs_constraint;
1104 }
1106 if (!left_calculate_success && !right_calculate_success) {
1107 break;
1108 }
1109 }
1110 return true;

◆ SortObstaclesForSweepLine()

static std::vector< ObstacleEdge > apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::SortObstaclesForSweepLine ( const IndexedList< std::string, Obstacle > &  indexed_obstacles,
const SLState init_sl_state 

◆ TrimPathBounds()

void apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::TrimPathBounds ( const int  path_blocked_idx,
PathBoundary *const  path_boundaries 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc172 行定义.

173 {
174 if (path_blocked_idx != -1) {
175 if (path_blocked_idx == 0) {
176 AINFO << "Completely blocked. Cannot move at all.";
177 }
178 double front_edge_to_center =
180 double trimmed_s =
181 path_boundaries->at(path_blocked_idx).s - front_edge_to_center;
182 AINFO << "Trimmed from " << path_boundaries->back().s << " to "
183 << path_boundaries->at(path_blocked_idx).s;
184 while (path_boundaries->size() > 1 &&
185 path_boundaries->back().s > trimmed_s) {
186 path_boundaries->pop_back();
187 }
188 }

◆ UpdateBlockInfoWithObsCornerBoundary()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::UpdateBlockInfoWithObsCornerBoundary ( PathBoundary *const  path_boundary,
std::string *const  blocked_id 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc1113 行定义.

1114 {
1115 if (path_boundary->extra_path_bound().blocked_id.empty()) {
1116 AINFO << "UpdateBlockInfoWithObsCornerBoundary, block id empty";
1117 return true;
1118 }
1119 auto* extra_path_bound = path_boundary->mutable_extra_path_bound();
1120 size_t path_boundary_block_index = extra_path_bound->block_right_index;
1122 // trim path boundary width corner constraints block obstacle id
1123 *blocked_id = extra_path_bound->blocked_id;
1124 TrimPathBounds(path_boundary_block_index, path_boundary);
1125 AINFO << "update block id: " << *blocked_id
1126 << ", path_boundary size: " << path_boundary->size();
1128 if (path_boundary->size() < 1) {
1129 extra_path_bound->clear();
1130 AERROR << "UpdateBlockInfoWithObsCornerBoundary, new_path_index < 1";
1131 return false;
1132 }
1134 size_t new_path_index = path_boundary->size() - 1;
1135 while (extra_path_bound->size() > 0 &&
1136 (extra_path_bound->back().id == *blocked_id ||
1137 extra_path_bound->back().right_index > new_path_index)) {
1138 AINFO << "remove extra_path_bound: s "
1139 << extra_path_bound->back().rear_axle_s << ", index ["
1140 << extra_path_bound->back().left_index << ", "
1141 << extra_path_bound->back().right_index << "]";
1142 extra_path_bound->pop_back();
1143 }
1144 return false;

◆ UpdateLeftPathBoundaryWithBuffer()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::UpdateLeftPathBoundaryWithBuffer ( double  left_bound,
BoundType  left_type,
std::string  left_id,
PathBoundPoint *const  bound_point 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc125 行定义.

127 {
128 double adc_half_width =
130 left_bound = left_bound - adc_half_width;
131 PathBoundPoint new_point = *bound_point;
132 if (new_point.l_upper.l > left_bound) {
133 new_point.l_upper.l = left_bound;
134 new_point.l_upper.type = left_type;
135 new_point.l_upper.id = left_id;
136 }
137 // Check if ADC is blocked.
138 // If blocked, don't update anything, return false.
139 if (new_point.l_lower.l > new_point.l_upper.l) {
140 ADEBUG << "Path is blocked at" << new_point.l_lower.l << " "
141 << new_point.l_upper.l;
142 return false;
143 }
144 // Otherwise, update path_boundaries and center_line; then return true.
145 *bound_point = new_point;
146 return true;

◆ UpdatePathBoundaryAndCenterLineWithBuffer()

static bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::UpdatePathBoundaryAndCenterLineWithBuffer ( size_t  idx,
double  left_bound,
double  right_bound,
PathBoundary *const  path_boundaries,
double *const  center_line 

Update the path_boundary at "idx", as well as the new center-line.

It also checks if ADC is blocked (lmax < lmin).

idxcurrent index of the path_bounds
left_boundminimum left boundary (l_max)
right_boundmaximum right boundary (l_min)
path_boundariespath_boundaries (its content at idx will be updated)
center_linecenter_line (to be updated)
If path is good, true; if path is blocked, false.

◆ UpdatePathBoundaryBySLPolygon()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::UpdatePathBoundaryBySLPolygon ( const ReferenceLineInfo reference_line_info,
std::vector< SLPolygon > *const  sl_polygon,
const SLState init_sl_state,
PathBoundary *const  path_boundary,
std::string *const  blocked_id,
double *const  narrowest_width 

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc219 行定义.

223 {
224 std::vector<double> center_l;
225 double max_nudge_check_distance;
226 if (reference_line_info.IsChangeLanePath() ||
227 path_boundary->label().find("regular/left") != std::string::npos ||
228 path_boundary->label().find("regular/right") != std::string::npos) {
229 center_l.push_back(
230 (path_boundary->front().l_upper.l + path_boundary->front().l_lower.l) *
231 0.5);
232 max_nudge_check_distance = FLAGS_max_nudge_check_distance_in_lk;
233 } else {
234 center_l.push_back(0.0);
235 max_nudge_check_distance = FLAGS_max_nudge_check_distance_in_lc;
236 }
238 *narrowest_width =
239 path_boundary->front().l_upper.l - path_boundary->front().l_lower.l;
240 double mid_l =
241 (path_boundary->front().l_upper.l + path_boundary->front().l_lower.l) / 2;
242 size_t nudge_check_count =
243 size_t(max_nudge_check_distance / FLAGS_path_bounds_decider_resolution);
244 double last_max_nudge_l = center_l.front();
245 // bool obs_overlap_with_refer_center = false;
247 for (size_t i = 1; i < path_boundary->size(); ++i) {
248 double path_boundary_s = path_boundary->at(i).s;
249 auto& left_bound = path_boundary->at(i).l_upper;
250 auto& right_bound = path_boundary->at(i).l_lower;
251 double default_width = right_bound.l - left_bound.l;
252 auto begin_it =
253 center_l.end() - std::min(nudge_check_count, center_l.size());
254 last_max_nudge_l = *std::max_element(
255 begin_it, center_l.end(),
256 [](double a, double b) { return std::fabs(a) < std::fabs(b); });
257 AINFO << "last max nudge l: " << last_max_nudge_l;
258 for (size_t j = 0; j < sl_polygon->size(); j++) {
259 if (sl_polygon->at(j).NudgeInfo() == SLPolygon::IGNORE) {
260 AINFO << "UpdatePathBoundaryBySLPolygon, ignore obs: "
261 << sl_polygon->at(j).id();
262 continue;
263 }
264 double min_s = sl_polygon->at(j).MinS();
265 double max_s =
266 sl_polygon->at(j).MaxS() + FLAGS_obstacle_lon_end_buffer_park;
267 if (max_s - min_s < FLAGS_path_bounds_decider_resolution) {
268 max_s += FLAGS_path_bounds_decider_resolution;
269 min_s -= FLAGS_path_bounds_decider_resolution;
270 }
271 if (max_s < path_boundary_s) {
272 continue;
273 }
274 if (min_s > path_boundary_s) {
275 break;
276 }
277 double adc_obs_edge_buffer = GetBufferBetweenADCCenterAndEdge();
278 sl_polygon->at(j).UpdatePassableInfo(left_bound.l, right_bound.l,
279 adc_obs_edge_buffer);
281 double l_lower = sl_polygon->at(j).GetRightBoundaryByS(path_boundary_s);
282 double l_upper = sl_polygon->at(j).GetLeftBoundaryByS(path_boundary_s);
283 PathBoundPoint obs_left_nudge_bound(
284 path_boundary_s, l_upper + adc_obs_edge_buffer, left_bound.l);
285 obs_left_nudge_bound.towing_l = path_boundary->at(i).towing_l;
286 PathBoundPoint obs_right_nudge_bound(path_boundary_s, right_bound.l,
287 l_lower - adc_obs_edge_buffer);
288 obs_right_nudge_bound.towing_l = path_boundary->at(i).towing_l;
289 // obs_overlap_with_refer_center =
290 // left_bound.l < path_boundary->at(i).towing_l ||
291 // right_bound.l > path_boundary->at(i).towing_l;
293 if (sl_polygon->at(j).NudgeInfo() == SLPolygon::UNDEFINED) {
294 AINFO << "last_max_nudge_l: " << last_max_nudge_l
295 << ", obs id: " << sl_polygon->at(j).id()
296 << ", obs l: " << l_lower << ", " << l_upper;
297 double obs_l = (l_lower + l_upper) / 2;
298 if (sl_polygon->at(j).is_passable()[RIGHT_INDEX]) {
299 if (sl_polygon->at(j).is_passable()[LEFT_INDEX]) {
300 if (std::fabs(obs_l - mid_l) < 0.4 &&
301 std::fabs(path_boundary_s - init_sl_state.first[0]) < 5.0) {
302 if (init_sl_state.second[0] < obs_l) {
303 sl_polygon->at(j).SetNudgeInfo(SLPolygon::RIGHT_NUDGE);
304 AINFO << sl_polygon->at(j).id()
305 << " right nudge with init_sl_state";
306 } else {
307 sl_polygon->at(j).SetNudgeInfo(SLPolygon::LEFT_NUDGE);
308 AINFO << sl_polygon->at(j).id()
309 << " left nudge width init_sl_state";
310 }
311 } else {
312 if (last_max_nudge_l < obs_l) {
313 sl_polygon->at(j).SetNudgeInfo(SLPolygon::RIGHT_NUDGE);
314 AINFO << sl_polygon->at(j).id()
315 << " right nudge, according max_nudge_l";
316 } else {
317 sl_polygon->at(j).SetNudgeInfo(SLPolygon::LEFT_NUDGE);
318 AINFO << sl_polygon->at(j).id()
319 << " left nudge, according max_nudge_l";
320 }
321 }
322 } else {
323 sl_polygon->at(j).SetNudgeInfo(SLPolygon::RIGHT_NUDGE);
324 AINFO << sl_polygon->at(j).id()
325 << " right nudge, left is not passable";
326 }
327 } else {
328 sl_polygon->at(j).SetNudgeInfo(SLPolygon::LEFT_NUDGE);
329 AINFO << sl_polygon->at(j).id()
330 << " left nudge, right is not passable";
331 }
332 } else {
333 AINFO << "last_max_nudge_l: " << last_max_nudge_l
334 << ", obs id: " << sl_polygon->at(j).id()
335 << ", obs l: " << l_lower << ", " << l_upper
336 << ", nudge info: " << sl_polygon->at(j).NudgeInfo();
337 }
338 if (sl_polygon->at(j).NudgeInfo() == SLPolygon::RIGHT_NUDGE) {
339 // right nudge
340 if (obs_right_nudge_bound.l_upper.l < path_boundary->at(i).towing_l) {
341 sl_polygon->at(j).SetOverlapeWithReferCenter(true);
342 sl_polygon->at(j).SetOverlapeSizeWithReference(
343 path_boundary->at(i).towing_l - obs_right_nudge_bound.l_upper.l);
344 }
345 if (!sl_polygon->at(j).is_passable()[RIGHT_INDEX]) {
346 // boundary is blocked
347 *blocked_id = sl_polygon->at(j).id();
348 AINFO << "blocked at " << *blocked_id << ", s: " << path_boundary_s
349 << ", left bound: " << left_bound.l
350 << ", right bound: " << right_bound.l;
351 sl_polygon->at(j).SetNudgeInfo(SLPolygon::BLOCKED);
352 break;
353 }
354 if (obs_right_nudge_bound.l_upper.l < left_bound.l) {
355 AINFO << "update left_bound: s " << path_boundary_s << ", l "
356 << left_bound.l << " -> " << obs_right_nudge_bound.l_upper.l;
357 left_bound.l = obs_right_nudge_bound.l_upper.l;
358 left_bound.type = BoundType::OBSTACLE;
359 left_bound.id = sl_polygon->at(j).id();
360 *narrowest_width =
361 std::min(*narrowest_width, left_bound.l - right_bound.l);
362 }
363 } else if (sl_polygon->at(j).NudgeInfo() == SLPolygon::LEFT_NUDGE) {
364 // left nudge
365 if (obs_left_nudge_bound.l_lower.l > path_boundary->at(i).towing_l) {
366 sl_polygon->at(j).SetOverlapeWithReferCenter(true);
367 sl_polygon->at(j).SetOverlapeSizeWithReference(
368 obs_left_nudge_bound.l_lower.l - path_boundary->at(i).towing_l);
369 }
370 if (!sl_polygon->at(j).is_passable()[LEFT_INDEX]) {
371 // boundary is blocked
372 *blocked_id = sl_polygon->at(j).id();
373 AINFO << "blocked at " << *blocked_id << ", s: " << path_boundary_s
374 << ", left bound: " << left_bound.l
375 << ", right bound: " << right_bound.l;
376 sl_polygon->at(j).SetNudgeInfo(SLPolygon::BLOCKED);
377 break;
378 }
379 if (obs_left_nudge_bound.l_lower.l > right_bound.l) {
380 AINFO << "update right_bound: s " << path_boundary_s << ", l "
381 << right_bound.l << " -> " << obs_left_nudge_bound.l_lower.l;
382 right_bound.l = obs_left_nudge_bound.l_lower.l;
383 right_bound.type = BoundType::OBSTACLE;
384 right_bound.id = sl_polygon->at(j).id();
385 *narrowest_width =
386 std::min(*narrowest_width, left_bound.l - right_bound.l);
387 }
388 }
389 // obs_overlap_with_refer_center =
390 // left_bound.l < path_boundary->at(i).towing_l ||
391 // right_bound.l > path_boundary->at(i).towing_l;
393 // double current_center_l = obs_overlap_with_refer_center
394 // ? (left_bound.l + right_bound.l) / 2.0
395 // : path_boundary->at(i).towing_l;
396 // last_max_nudge_l = std::fabs(current_center_l - mid_l) >
397 // std::fabs(last_max_nudge_l - mid_l)
398 // ? current_center_l
399 // : last_max_nudge_l;
400 last_max_nudge_l = std::fabs((left_bound.l + right_bound.l) / 2.0 -
401 mid_l) > std::fabs(last_max_nudge_l - mid_l)
402 ? (left_bound.l + right_bound.l) / 2.0
403 : last_max_nudge_l;
404 }
405 // if blocked, trim path
406 if (!blocked_id->empty()) {
407 TrimPathBounds(i, path_boundary);
408 *narrowest_width = default_width;
409 return false;
410 }
411 // double current_center_l = obs_overlap_with_refer_center
412 // ? (left_bound.l + right_bound.l) / 2.0
413 // : path_boundary->at(i).towing_l;
414 // center_l.push_back(current_center_l);
415 center_l.push_back((left_bound.l + right_bound.l) / 2.0);
416 AINFO << "update s: " << path_boundary_s
417 << ", center_l: " << center_l.back();
418 }
419 return true;

◆ UpdatePathBoundaryWithBuffer()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::UpdatePathBoundaryWithBuffer ( double  left_bound,
double  right_bound,
BoundType  left_type,
BoundType  right_type,
std::string  left_id,
std::string  right_id,
PathBoundPoint *const  bound_point 

Update the path_boundary at "idx" It also checks if ADC is blocked (lmax < lmin).

idxcurrent index of the path_bounds
left_boundminimum left boundary (l_max)
right_boundmaximum right boundary (l_min)
bound_pointpath_boundaries (its content at idx will be updated)
If path is good, true; if path is blocked, false.

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc110 行定义.

113 {
114 if (!UpdateLeftPathBoundaryWithBuffer(left_bound, left_type, left_id,
115 bound_point)) {
116 return false;
117 }
118 if (!UpdateRightPathBoundaryWithBuffer(right_bound, right_type, right_id,
119 bound_point)) {
120 return false;
121 }
122 return true;
static bool UpdateLeftPathBoundaryWithBuffer(double left_bound, BoundType left_type, std::string left_id, PathBoundPoint *const bound_point)
static bool UpdateRightPathBoundaryWithBuffer(double right_bound, BoundType right_type, std::string right_id, PathBoundPoint *const bound_point)
Trim the path bounds starting at the idx where path is blocked.

◆ UpdateRightPathBoundaryWithBuffer()

bool apollo::planning::PathBoundsDeciderUtil::UpdateRightPathBoundaryWithBuffer ( double  right_bound,
BoundType  right_type,
std::string  right_id,
PathBoundPoint *const  bound_point 

Trim the path bounds starting at the idx where path is blocked.

在文件 path_bounds_decider_util.cc149 行定义.

151 {
152 double adc_half_width =
154 right_bound = right_bound + adc_half_width;
155 PathBoundPoint new_point = *bound_point;
156 if (new_point.l_lower.l < right_bound) {
157 new_point.l_lower.l = right_bound;
158 new_point.l_lower.type = right_type;
159 new_point.l_lower.id = right_id;
160 }
161 // Check if ADC is blocked.
162 // If blocked, don't update anything, return false.
163 if (new_point.l_lower.l > new_point.l_upper.l) {
164 ADEBUG << "Path is blocked at";
165 return false;
166 }
167 // Otherwise, update path_boundaries and center_line; then return true.
168 *bound_point = new_point;
169 return true;
