Apollo 10.0



Point cloud ground detection, detecting ground point, and saving indices of all non ground points.

Directory Structure

├── pointcloud_ground_detection // ground point detection component
├── conf // configuration folder
├── dag // module startup file
├── data // module configuration parameters
├── ground_detector // ground detection method
├── launch // launch file
├── interface // ground detection interface
├── proto // ground detection module configuration proto file
├── pointcloud_ground_detection_component.cc // component entrance
├── pointcloud_ground_detection_component.h
├── cyberfile.xml // package management file
├── README.md // readme file
└── BUILD // compile file





Name Type Description Input channal
frame apollo::perception::onboard::LidarFrameMessage lidar frame message /perception/lidar/pointcloud_map_based_roi

>Note: The input channel is structure type data. The default trigger channel is /perception/lidar/pointcloud_map_based_roi. The detailed input channel information is in modules/perception/pointcloud_ground_detection/dag/pointcloud_ground_detection.dag file. By default, the upstream components of the messages received by the component include pointcloud_map_based_roi.


Name Type Description Output channal
frame apollo::perception::onboard::LidarFrameMessage lidar frame message /perception/lidar/pointcloud_ground_detection

>Note: The output channel is structure type data. The message is defined in the modules/perception/common/onboard/inner_component_messages/lidar_inner_component_messages.h file. The output channel message data can be subscribed by components in the same process. The detailed output channel information is in modules/perception/pointcloud_ground_detection/conf/pointcloud_ground_detection_config.pb.txt file.

How to Launch

  1. Add vehicle parameter configuration file to modules/perception/data/params, corresponding frame_id and sensor_name, launch transform
cyber_launch start modules/transform/launch/static_transform.launch
  1. Modify modules/perception/launch/perception_lidar.launch
  1. Modify parameters of modules/perception/pointcloud_ground_detection/conf/pointcloud_ground_detection_config.pb.txt
  • output_channel_name: output channel name
  • plugin_param: plugin parameters
    • name: method name
    • config_path: configuration path
    • config_file: configuration file name
  1. Launch ground detection component
cyber_launch start modules/perception/pointcloud_ground_detection/launch/pointcloud_ground_detection.launch


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