Apollo 10.0
2 * Copyright 2018 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 *****************************************************************************/
19#include <cstdio>
20#include <utility>
22#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
23#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
24#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
26#include "cyber/proto/dag_conf.pb.h"
27#include "cyber/proto/record.pb.h"
28#include "modules/dreamview/proto/scenario.pb.h"
30#include "cyber/common/file.h"
48DEFINE_string(cyber_recorder_play_command, "cyber_recorder play -p 1 -f ",
49 "Cyber recorder play command");
51namespace apollo {
52namespace dreamview {
53namespace {
69using apollo::monitor::ComponentStatus;
70using apollo::monitor::SystemStatus;
71using RLock = boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex>;
72using WLock = boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex>;
73using Json = nlohmann::json;
75constexpr char kNavigationModeName[] = "Navigation";
76// operations based on sim control is enabled, note that it is
77// consistent with the field name in hmistatus
78const std::vector<HMIModeOperation> OperationBasedOnSimControl = {
79 HMIModeOperation::Scenario_Sim,
80 HMIModeOperation::Sim_Control,
83template <class FlagType, class ValueType>
84void SetGlobalFlag(std::string_view flag_name, const ValueType &value,
85 FlagType *flag) {
86 // change to relative path for portability
87 constexpr char kGlobalFlagfile[] = "modules/common/data/global_flagfile.txt";
88 if (*flag != value) {
89 *flag = value;
90 // Overwrite global flagfile.
91 std::ofstream fout(kGlobalFlagfile, std::ios_base::app);
92 ACHECK(fout) << "Fail to open global flagfile " << kGlobalFlagfile;
93 fout << "\n--" << flag_name << "=" << value << std::endl;
94 }
97void System(std::string_view cmd) {
98 const int ret = std::system(cmd.data());
99 if (ret == 0) {
100 AINFO << "SUCCESS: " << cmd;
101 } else {
102 AERROR << "FAILED(" << ret << "): " << cmd;
103 }
106} // namespace
109 const std::shared_ptr<Node> &node,
110 const apollo::common::monitor::MonitorLogBuffer &monitor_log_buffer)
111 : config_(util::HMIUtil::LoadConfig(FLAGS_dv_plus_hmi_modes_config_path)),
112 node_(node),
113 monitor_log_buffer_(monitor_log_buffer) {
114 InitStatus();
115 LoadDvPluginPanelsJson();
116 time_interval_ms_ = 3000;
117 overtime_time_ = 3;
118 monitor_timer_.reset(new cyber::Timer(
119 time_interval_ms_, [this]() { this->OnTimer(overtime_time_); }, false));
120 monitor_timer_->Start();
123void HMIWorker::Start(DvCallback callback_api) {
124 callback_api_ = callback_api;
125 InitReadersAndWriters();
126 RegisterStatusUpdateHandler(
127 [this](const bool status_changed, HMIStatus *status) {
128 apollo::common::util::FillHeader("HMI", status);
129 status_writer_->Write(*status);
130 status->clear_header();
131 });
132 ResetComponentStatusTimer();
133 thread_future_ = cyber::Async(&HMIWorker::StatusUpdateThreadLoop, this);
136void HMIWorker::Stop() {
137 stop_ = true;
138 std::system(FLAGS_terminal_stop_cmd.data());
139 if (thread_future_.valid()) {
140 thread_future_.get();
141 }
144bool HMIWorker::LoadVehicleDefinedMode(const std::string &mode_config_path,
145 const std::string &current_vehicle_path,
146 HMIMode *self_defined_mode) {
147 const std::string mode_file_name =
148 cyber::common::GetFileName(mode_config_path);
149 const std::string vehicle_mode_config_path =
150 current_vehicle_path + "/dreamview_conf/hmi_modes/" + mode_file_name;
151 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(vehicle_mode_config_path)) {
152 return false;
153 }
154 ACHECK(cyber::common::GetProtoFromFile(vehicle_mode_config_path,
155 self_defined_mode))
156 << "Unable to parse vehicle self defined HMIMode from file "
157 << vehicle_mode_config_path;
158 util::HMIUtil::TranslateCyberModules(self_defined_mode);
159 return true;
162void HMIWorker::InitStatus() {
163 static constexpr char kDockerImageEnv[] = "DOCKER_IMG";
164 status_.set_docker_image(cyber::common::GetEnv(kDockerImageEnv));
165 status_.set_utm_zone_id(FLAGS_local_utm_zone_id);
167 // Populate modes and current_mode.
168 const auto &modes = config_.modes();
169 for (const auto &iter : modes) {
170 const std::string &mode = iter.first;
171 status_.add_modes(mode);
172 if (mode == FLAGS_vehicle_calibration_mode) {
173 FuelMonitorManager::Instance()->RegisterFuelMonitor(
174 mode, std::make_unique<DataCollectionMonitor>());
175 FuelMonitorManager::Instance()->RegisterFuelMonitor(
176 mode, std::make_unique<PreprocessMonitor>());
177 } else if (mode == FLAGS_lidar_calibration_mode) {
178 FuelMonitorManager::Instance()->RegisterFuelMonitor(
179 mode, std::make_unique<PreprocessMonitor>("lidar_to_gnss"));
180 } else if (mode == FLAGS_camera_calibration_mode) {
181 FuelMonitorManager::Instance()->RegisterFuelMonitor(
182 mode, std::make_unique<PreprocessMonitor>("camera_to_lidar"));
183 }
184 }
186 // Populate maps and current_map.
187 for (const auto &map_entry : config_.maps()) {
188 status_.add_maps(map_entry.first);
190 // If current FLAG_map_dir is available, set it as current_map.
191 if (map_entry.second == FLAGS_map_dir) {
192 status_.set_current_map(map_entry.first);
193 }
194 }
196 // Populate vehicles and current_vehicle.
197 for (const auto &vehicle : config_.vehicles()) {
198 status_.add_vehicles(vehicle.first);
199 }
201 // Initial HMIMode by priority:
202 // 1. NavigationMode if --use_navigation_mode is specified explicitly.
203 // 2. CachedMode if it's stored in KV database.
204 // 3. default_hmi_mode if it is available.
205 // 4. Pick the first available mode.
206 const std::string cached_mode =
207 KVDB::Get(FLAGS_current_mode_db_key).value_or("");
208 if (FLAGS_use_navigation_mode && ContainsKey(modes, kNavigationModeName)) {
209 ChangeMode(kNavigationModeName);
210 } else if (ContainsKey(modes, cached_mode)) {
211 ChangeMode(cached_mode);
212 } else if (ContainsKey(modes, FLAGS_default_hmi_mode)) {
213 ChangeMode(FLAGS_default_hmi_mode);
214 } else {
215 ChangeMode(modes.begin()->first);
216 }
219void HMIWorker::InitReadersAndWriters() {
220 status_writer_ = node_->CreateWriter<HMIStatus>(FLAGS_hmi_status_topic);
221 action_command_client_ = node_->CreateClient<ActionCommand, CommandStatus>(
222 FLAGS_action_command_topic);
223 audio_event_writer_ =
224 node_->CreateWriter<AudioEvent>(FLAGS_audio_event_topic);
225 drive_event_writer_ =
226 node_->CreateWriter<DriveEvent>(FLAGS_drive_event_topic);
228 monitor_reader_ = node_->CreateReader<SystemStatus>(
229 FLAGS_system_status_topic,
230 [this](const std::shared_ptr<SystemStatus> &system_status) {
231 this->ResetComponentStatusTimer();
233 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
235 const bool is_realtime_msg =
236 FLAGS_use_sim_time
237 ? system_status->is_realtime_in_simulation()
239 system_status->header().timestamp_sec() <
240 FLAGS_system_status_lifetime_seconds;
241 // Update modules running status from realtime SystemStatus.
242 if (is_realtime_msg) {
243 for (auto &iter : *status_.mutable_modules()) {
244 bool previous_second = iter.second;
245 auto *status = FindOrNull(system_status->hmi_modules(), iter.first);
246 iter.second =
247 status != nullptr && status->status() == ComponentStatus::OK;
248 if (previous_second != iter.second) {
249 LockModule(iter.first, false);
250 }
251 }
252 // system_status is true, indicating that the monitor immediately
253 // detected the module startup status
254 if (system_status->detect_immediately()) {
255 status_.set_expected_modules(status_.expected_modules() - 1);
256 }
257 }
258 // Update monitored components status.
259 for (auto &iter : *status_.mutable_monitored_components()) {
260 auto *status = FindOrNull(system_status->components(), iter.first);
261 if (status != nullptr) {
262 iter.second = status->summary();
263 } else {
264 iter.second.set_status(ComponentStatus::UNKNOWN);
265 iter.second.set_message("Status not reported by Monitor.");
266 }
267 }
269 // Update other components status.
270 for (auto &iter : *status_.mutable_other_components()) {
271 auto *status =
272 FindOrNull(system_status->other_components(), iter.first);
273 if (status != nullptr) {
274 iter.second.CopyFrom(*status);
275 } else {
276 iter.second.set_status(ComponentStatus::UNKNOWN);
277 iter.second.set_message("Status not reported by Monitor.");
278 }
279 }
280 // For global components.
281 for (auto &iter : *system_status->mutable_global_components()) {
282 (*status_.mutable_global_components())[iter.first] = iter.second;
283 }
285 // Check if the status is changed.
286 const size_t new_fingerprint =
288 if (last_status_fingerprint_ != new_fingerprint) {
289 status_changed_ = true;
290 last_status_fingerprint_ = new_fingerprint;
291 }
292 });
294 node_->CreateReader<RecordInfo>(
295 FLAGS_record_info_topic,
296 [this](const std::shared_ptr<RecordInfo> &record_info) {
297 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
298 if (record_info->record_name() ==
299 status_.current_record_status().current_record_id()) {
300 status_.mutable_current_record_status()->set_curr_time_s(
301 record_info.get()->curr_time_s());
302 status_changed_ = true;
303 }
304 });
306 localization_reader_ =
307 node_->CreateReader<LocalizationEstimate>(FLAGS_localization_topic);
308 // Received Chassis, trigger action if there is high beam signal.
309 chassis_reader_ = node_->CreateReader<Chassis>(
310 FLAGS_chassis_topic, [this](const std::shared_ptr<Chassis> &chassis) {
311 if (Clock::NowInSeconds() - chassis->header().timestamp_sec() <
312 FLAGS_system_status_lifetime_seconds) {
313 if (chassis->signal().high_beam()) {
314 // Currently we do nothing on high_beam signal.
315 const bool ret = Trigger(HMIAction::NONE);
316 AERROR_IF(!ret) << "Failed to execute high_beam action.";
317 }
318 }
319 });
322bool HMIWorker::Trigger(const HMIAction action) {
323 AERROR << "HMIAction " << HMIAction_Name(action) << " was triggered!";
324 switch (action) {
325 case HMIAction::NONE:
326 break;
327 case HMIAction::SETUP_MODE:
328 SetupMode();
329 AddExpectedModules(action);
330 break;
331 case HMIAction::ENTER_AUTO_MODE:
332 return ChangeDrivingMode(Chassis::COMPLETE_AUTO_DRIVE);
333 case HMIAction::DISENGAGE:
334 return ChangeDrivingMode(Chassis::COMPLETE_MANUAL);
335 case HMIAction::RESET_MODE:
336 ResetMode();
337 break;
339 LoadDynamicModels();
340 break;
341 case HMIAction::LOAD_RECORDS:
342 LoadRecords();
343 break;
344 case HMIAction::LOAD_RTK_RECORDS:
345 LoadRtkRecords();
346 break;
347 case HMIAction::STOP_RECORD:
348 StopRecordPlay();
349 break;
350 case HMIAction::LOAD_MAPS:
351 ReloadMaps();
352 break;
353 default:
354 AERROR << "HMIAction not implemented, yet!";
355 return false;
356 }
357 return true;
360bool HMIWorker::Trigger(const HMIAction action, const std::string &value) {
361 AINFO << "HMIAction " << HMIAction_Name(action) << "(" << value
362 << ") was triggered!";
363 bool ret = true;
364 switch (action) {
365 case HMIAction::CHANGE_MODE:
366 ChangeMode(value);
367 break;
368 case HMIAction::CHANGE_MAP:
369 ret = ChangeMap(value);
370 // after change map;if sim_control is enabled,restart adc position
371 // with new map and sim control
372 SimControlManager::Instance()->Restart();
373 break;
374 case HMIAction::CHANGE_VEHICLE:
375 ChangeVehicle(value);
376 break;
377 case HMIAction::START_MODULE:
378 StartModule(value);
379 AddExpectedModules(action);
380 break;
381 case HMIAction::STOP_MODULE:
382 StopModule(value);
383 break;
385 DeleteScenarioSet(value);
386 break;
388 ChangeDynamicModel(value);
389 break;
391 DeleteDynamicModel(value);
392 break;
393 case HMIAction::DELETE_RECORD:
394 DeleteRecord(value);
395 break;
396 case HMIAction::CHANGE_RECORD:
397 ChangeRecord(value);
398 break;
399 case HMIAction::CHANGE_RTK_RECORD:
400 ChangeRtkRecord(value);
401 break;
403 ChangeOperation(value);
404 break;
406 DeleteVehicleConfig(value);
407 case HMIAction::DELETE_V2X_CONF:
408 DeleteV2xConfig(value);
409 break;
410 case HMIAction::DELETE_MAP:
411 DeleteMap(value);
412 break;
413 case HMIAction::LOAD_RECORD:
414 LoadRecordAndChangeStatus(value);
415 break;
416 default:
417 AERROR << "HMIAction not implemented, yet!";
418 return false;
419 }
420 return ret;
423void HMIWorker::SubmitAudioEvent(const uint64_t event_time_ms,
424 const int obstacle_id, const int audio_type,
425 const int moving_result,
426 const int audio_direction,
427 const bool is_siren_on) {
428 std::shared_ptr<AudioEvent> audio_event = std::make_shared<AudioEvent>();
429 apollo::common::util::FillHeader("HMI", audio_event.get());
430 // Here we reuse the header time field as the event occurring time.
431 // A better solution might be adding an event time field to DriveEvent proto
432 // to make it clear.
433 audio_event->mutable_header()->set_timestamp_sec(
434 static_cast<double>(event_time_ms) / 1000.0);
435 audio_event->set_id(obstacle_id);
436 audio_event->set_audio_type(
437 static_cast<apollo::audio::AudioType>(audio_type));
438 audio_event->set_moving_result(
439 static_cast<apollo::audio::MovingResult>(moving_result));
440 audio_event->set_audio_direction(
441 static_cast<apollo::audio::AudioDirection>(audio_direction));
442 audio_event->set_siren_is_on(is_siren_on);
444 // Read the current localization pose
445 localization_reader_->Observe();
446 if (localization_reader_->Empty()) {
447 AERROR << "Failed to get localization associated with the audio event: "
448 << audio_event->DebugString() << "\n Localization reader is empty!";
449 return;
450 }
452 const std::shared_ptr<LocalizationEstimate> localization =
453 localization_reader_->GetLatestObserved();
454 audio_event->mutable_pose()->CopyFrom(localization->pose());
455 AINFO << "AudioEvent: " << audio_event->DebugString();
457 audio_event_writer_->Write(audio_event);
460void HMIWorker::SubmitDriveEvent(const uint64_t event_time_ms,
461 const std::string &event_msg,
462 const std::vector<std::string> &event_types,
463 const bool is_reportable) {
464 std::shared_ptr<DriveEvent> drive_event = std::make_shared<DriveEvent>();
465 apollo::common::util::FillHeader("HMI", drive_event.get());
466 // TODO(xiaoxq): Here we reuse the header time field as the event occurring
467 // time. A better solution might be adding the field to DriveEvent proto to
468 // make it clear.
469 drive_event->mutable_header()->set_timestamp_sec(
470 static_cast<double>(event_time_ms) / 1000.0);
471 drive_event->set_event(event_msg);
472 drive_event->set_is_reportable(is_reportable);
473 for (const auto &type_name : event_types) {
474 DriveEvent::Type type;
475 if (DriveEvent::Type_Parse(type_name, &type)) {
476 drive_event->add_type(type);
477 } else {
478 AERROR << "Failed to parse drive event type:" << type_name;
479 }
480 }
481 drive_event_writer_->Write(drive_event);
484void HMIWorker::SensorCalibrationPreprocess(const std::string &task_type) {
485 std::string start_command = absl::StrCat(
486 "nohup bash modules/tools/sensor_calibration/extract_data.sh -t ",
487 task_type, " &");
488 System(start_command);
491void HMIWorker::VehicleCalibrationPreprocess() {
492 std::string start_command = absl::StrCat(
493 "nohup bash modules/tools/vehicle_calibration/preprocess.sh "
494 "--vehicle_type=\"",
495 status_.current_vehicle(), "\" --record_num=", record_count_, " &");
496 System(start_command);
499bool HMIWorker::ChangeDrivingMode(const Chassis::DrivingMode mode) {
500 // Always reset to MANUAL mode before changing to other mode.
501 const std::string mode_name = Chassis::DrivingMode_Name(mode);
502 if (mode != Chassis::COMPLETE_MANUAL) {
503 if (!ChangeDrivingMode(Chassis::COMPLETE_MANUAL)) {
504 AERROR << "Failed to reset to MANUAL before changing to " << mode_name;
505 return false;
506 }
507 }
509 auto command = std::make_shared<ActionCommand>();
511 switch (mode) {
512 case Chassis::COMPLETE_MANUAL:
513 command->set_command(
515 break;
516 case Chassis::COMPLETE_AUTO_DRIVE:
517 command->set_command(
519 break;
520 default:
521 AFATAL << "Change driving mode to " << mode_name << " not implemented!";
522 return false;
523 }
525 static constexpr int kMaxTries = 1;
526 static constexpr auto kTryInterval = std::chrono::milliseconds(500);
527 for (int i = 0; i < kMaxTries; ++i) {
528 // Send driving action periodically until entering target driving mode.
529 common::util::FillHeader("HMI", command.get());
530 // Shorten the timeout period to prevent users from waiting too long
531 action_command_client_->SendRequest(command, std::chrono::seconds(1));
533 std::this_thread::sleep_for(kTryInterval);
535 chassis_reader_->Observe();
536 if (chassis_reader_->Empty()) {
537 AERROR << "No Chassis message received!";
538 } else if (chassis_reader_->GetLatestObserved()->driving_mode() == mode) {
539 return true;
540 }
541 }
542 AERROR << "Failed to change driving mode to " << mode_name;
543 return false;
546bool HMIWorker::ChangeMap(const std::string &map_name) {
547 if (status_.current_map() == map_name) {
548 // Returns true if the map is switched to the same one.
549 return true;
550 }
551 return SelectAndReloadMap(map_name);
554bool HMIWorker::SelectAndReloadMap(const std::string &map_name) {
555 const std::string *map_dir = FindOrNull(config_.maps(), map_name);
556 if (map_dir == nullptr) {
557 AERROR << "Unknown map " << map_name;
558 return false;
559 }
561 // Load the map first and then change the currently selected map;this will
562 // cause interactive waiting for loading a large map takes a long time
563 SetGlobalFlag("map_dir", *map_dir, &FLAGS_map_dir);
564 ResetMode();
565 Json callback_res = callback_api_("MapServiceReloadMap", {});
566 {
567 // Update current_map status.
568 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
569 status_.set_current_map(map_name);
570 status_changed_ = true;
571 }
572 return callback_res["result"];
575void HMIWorker::UpdateModeModulesAndMonitoredComponents() {
576 status_.clear_modules();
577 status_.clear_modules_lock();
578 previous_modules_lock_.clear();
579 for (const auto &iter : current_mode_.modules()) {
580 status_.mutable_modules()->insert({iter.first, false});
581 status_.mutable_modules_lock()->insert({iter.first, false});
582 previous_modules_lock_.insert({iter.first, false});
583 }
585 // Update monitored components of current mode.
586 status_.clear_monitored_components();
587 for (const auto &iter : current_mode_.monitored_components()) {
588 status_.mutable_monitored_components()->insert({iter.first, {}});
589 }
592void HMIWorker::ChangeVehicle(const std::string &vehicle_name) {
593 const std::string *vehicle_dir = FindOrNull(config_.vehicles(), vehicle_name);
594 if (vehicle_dir == nullptr) {
595 AERROR << "Unknown vehicle " << vehicle_name;
596 return;
597 }
598 std::string current_mode;
599 {
600 // Update current_vehicle status.
601 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
602 current_mode = status_.current_mode();
603 if (status_.current_vehicle() == vehicle_name) {
604 return;
605 }
606 try {
607 // try to get vehicle type from calibration data directory
608 // TODO(jinping): add vehicle config specs and move to vehicle config
609 const std::string vehicle_type_file_path = *vehicle_dir + "/vehicle_type";
610 std::string vehicle_type_str;
611 cyber::common::GetContent(vehicle_type_file_path, &vehicle_type_str);
612 int vehicle_type = std::stoi(vehicle_type_str);
613 status_.set_current_vehicle_type(vehicle_type);
614 } catch (const std::exception &e) {
615 AWARN << "get vehicle type config failed: " << e.what();
616 status_.clear_current_vehicle_type();
617 }
618 status_.set_current_vehicle(vehicle_name);
619 status_changed_ = true;
620 }
621 ResetMode();
622 // before reset mode
623 HMIMode vehicle_defined_mode;
624 const std::string mode_config_path = config_.modes().at(current_mode);
625 if (LoadVehicleDefinedMode(mode_config_path, *vehicle_dir,
626 &vehicle_defined_mode)) {
627 MergeToCurrentMode(&vehicle_defined_mode);
628 } else {
629 // modules may have been modified the last time selected a vehicle
630 // need to be recovery by load mode
631 current_mode_ = util::HMIUtil::LoadMode(mode_config_path);
632 }
633 {
634 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
635 UpdateModeModulesAndMonitoredComponents();
636 }
637 ACHECK(VehicleManager::Instance()->UseVehicle(*vehicle_dir));
638 // Restart Fuel Monitor
639 auto *monitors = FuelMonitorManager::Instance()->GetCurrentMonitors();
640 if (monitors != nullptr) {
641 for (const auto &monitor : *monitors) {
642 if (monitor.second->IsEnabled()) {
643 monitor.second->Restart();
644 }
645 }
646 }
649void HMIWorker::MergeToCurrentMode(HMIMode *mode) {
650 current_mode_.clear_modules();
651 current_mode_.clear_cyber_modules();
652 current_mode_.clear_monitored_components();
653 current_mode_.mutable_modules()->swap(*(mode->mutable_modules()));
654 current_mode_.mutable_monitored_components()->swap(
655 *(mode->mutable_monitored_components()));
658void HMIWorker::ChangeMode(const std::string &mode_name) {
659 if (!ContainsKey(config_.modes(), mode_name)) {
660 AERROR << "Cannot change to unknown mode " << mode_name;
661 return;
662 }
664 {
665 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
666 // Skip if mode doesn't actually change.
667 if (status_.current_mode() == mode_name) {
668 return;
669 }
670 }
671 ResetMode();
672 std::string default_operation_str = "";
673 {
674 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
675 status_.set_current_mode(mode_name);
676 current_mode_ = util::HMIUtil::LoadMode(config_.modes().at(mode_name));
677 // for vehicle self-defined module
678 HMIMode vehicle_defined_mode;
679 const std::string *vehicle_dir =
680 FindOrNull(config_.vehicles(), status_.current_vehicle());
681 if (vehicle_dir != nullptr &&
682 LoadVehicleDefinedMode(config_.modes().at(mode_name), *vehicle_dir,
683 &vehicle_defined_mode)) {
684 MergeToCurrentMode(&vehicle_defined_mode);
685 }
686 UpdateModeModulesAndMonitoredComponents();
688 status_.clear_other_components();
689 for (const auto &iter : current_mode_.other_components()) {
690 status_.mutable_other_components()->insert({iter.first, {}});
691 }
693 // update operations of current mode
694 status_.clear_operations();
695 status_.mutable_operations()->CopyFrom(current_mode_.operations());
697 // Temporarily used for simulation plugins, removed when simulation is used
698 // as a standalone mode.
699 if ((mode_name == "Pnc" || mode_name == "Default") &&
700 PackageExist("simulator-plugin")) {
701 status_.add_operations(HMIModeOperation::Scenario_Sim);
702 }
704 if (current_mode_.has_default_operation()) {
705 default_operation_str =
706 HMIModeOperation_Name(current_mode_.default_operation());
707 }
708 status_changed_ = true;
709 }
710 // Because the change operation involves the state change of the sim control
711 // therefore, the function change operation is used when loading the mode;
712 // not only the Hmi status is changed; the sim control is also switched on and
713 // off.
714 if (!default_operation_str.empty()) {
715 ChangeOperation(default_operation_str);
716 }
717 FuelMonitorManager::Instance()->SetCurrentMode(mode_name);
718 KVDB::Put(FLAGS_current_mode_db_key, mode_name);
721void HMIWorker::StartModule(const std::string &module) {
722 const Module *module_conf = FindOrNull(current_mode_.modules(), module);
723 if (module_conf != nullptr) {
724 {
725 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
726 LockModule(module, true);
727 }
728 System(module_conf->start_command());
729 } else {
730 AERROR << "Cannot find module " << module;
731 }
734void HMIWorker::StopModule(const std::string &module) {
735 const Module *module_conf = FindOrNull(current_mode_.modules(), module);
736 if (module_conf != nullptr) {
737 {
738 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
739 LockModule(module, true);
740 }
741 System(module_conf->stop_command());
742 } else {
743 AERROR << "Cannot find module " << module;
744 }
747HMIStatus HMIWorker::GetStatus() const {
748 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
749 return status_;
752void HMIWorker::SetupMode() {
753 {
754 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
755 status_.set_backend_shutdown(false);
756 }
757 for (const auto &iter : current_mode_.modules()) {
758 {
759 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
760 auto modules = status_.modules();
761 if (!modules[iter.first]) {
762 LockModule(iter.first, true);
763 }
764 }
765 System(iter.second.start_command());
766 }
769void HMIWorker::ResetMode() {
770 {
771 // Clearing the module and lock will cause the backend to trigger automatic
772 // shutdown.
773 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
774 status_.set_backend_shutdown(true);
775 }
776 for (const auto &iter : current_mode_.modules()) {
777 {
778 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
779 auto modules = status_.modules();
780 if (modules[iter.first]) {
781 LockModule(iter.first, true);
782 }
783 }
784 System(iter.second.stop_command());
785 }
786 record_count_ = 0;
789void HMIWorker::StatusUpdateThreadLoop() {
790 constexpr int kLoopIntervalMs = 200;
791 while (!stop_) {
792 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(kLoopIntervalMs));
793 UpdateComponentStatus();
794 bool status_changed = false;
795 {
796 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
797 status_changed = status_changed_;
798 status_changed_ = false;
799 }
800 // If status doesn't change, check if we reached update interval.
801 if (!status_changed) {
802 static double next_update_time = 0;
803 const double now = Clock::NowInSeconds();
804 if (now < next_update_time) {
805 continue;
806 }
807 next_update_time = now + FLAGS_status_publish_interval;
808 }
810 // Trigger registered status change handlers.
811 HMIStatus status = GetStatus();
812 for (const auto handler : status_update_handlers_) {
813 handler(status_changed, &status);
814 }
815 }
818void HMIWorker::ResetComponentStatusTimer() {
819 last_status_received_s_ = Clock::NowInSeconds();
820 last_status_fingerprint_ = 0;
823void HMIWorker::UpdateComponentStatus() {
824 const double now = Clock::NowInSeconds();
825 if (now - last_status_received_s_.load() > FLAGS_monitor_timeout_threshold) {
826 if (!monitor_timed_out_) {
827 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
829 const uint64_t now_ms = static_cast<uint64_t>(now * 2e3);
830 static constexpr bool kIsReportable = true;
831 SubmitDriveEvent(now_ms, "Monitor timed out", {"PROBLEM"}, kIsReportable);
832 AWARN << "System fault. Auto disengage.";
833 Trigger(HMIAction::DISENGAGE);
835 for (auto &monitored_component :
836 *status_.mutable_monitored_components()) {
837 monitored_component.second.set_status(ComponentStatus::UNKNOWN);
838 monitored_component.second.set_message(
839 "Status not reported by Monitor.");
840 }
841 status_changed_ = true;
842 }
843 monitor_timed_out_ = true;
844 } else {
845 monitor_timed_out_ = false;
846 }
849bool HMIWorker::GetScenarioResourcePath(std::string *scenario_resource_path) {
850 CHECK_NOTNULL(scenario_resource_path);
851 const std::string home = cyber::common::GetEnv("HOME");
852 if (home.empty()) {
853 return false;
854 }
855 *scenario_resource_path = home + FLAGS_resource_scenario_path;
856 return true;
859void HMIWorker::ChangeDynamicModel(const std::string &dynamic_model_name) {
860 // To avoid toggle sim control and always choose simulation perfect control
861 // {
862 // RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
863 // // Skip if mode doesn't actually change.
864 // if (status_.current_dynamic_model() == dynamic_model_name) {
865 // return;
866 // }
867 // }
868 if (dynamic_model_name.empty()) {
869 AERROR << "Failed to change empty dynamic model!";
870 return;
871 }
872 auto sim_control_manager = SimControlManager::Instance();
873 if (!sim_control_manager->IsEnabled()) {
874 AERROR << "Sim control is not enabled!";
875 return;
876 }
878 if (!sim_control_manager->ChangeDynamicModel(dynamic_model_name)) {
879 // badcase1:sim control is not enabled. badcase2:miss params
880 // badcase3:change dynamic model is not registered. resolution:return with
881 // no action,keep sim control not enabled or use original dynamic model!
882 AERROR << "Failed to change dynamic model! Please check if the param is "
883 "valid!";
884 return;
885 }
886 std::string current_dynamic_model_name = dynamic_model_name;
887 {
888 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
889 status_.set_current_dynamic_model(dynamic_model_name);
890 status_changed_ = true;
891 }
892 return;
895bool HMIWorker::UpdateDynamicModelToStatus(
896 const std::string &dynamic_model_name) {
897 auto sim_control_manager = SimControlManager::Instance();
898 if (!sim_control_manager->IsEnabled()) {
899 AERROR << "Sim control is not enabled or missing dynamic model name "
900 "param!";
901 return false;
902 }
904 if (!sim_control_manager->AddDynamicModel(dynamic_model_name)) {
905 AERROR << "Failed to add dynamic model to local dynamic model list for "
906 "register failed!";
907 return false;
908 }
909 {
910 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
911 for (const auto &iter : status_.dynamic_models()) {
912 if (iter == dynamic_model_name) {
913 AERROR << "Do not need to add new dynamic model for is duplicate!";
914 return true;
915 }
916 }
917 status_.add_dynamic_models(dynamic_model_name);
918 status_changed_ = true;
919 }
920 return true;
923bool HMIWorker::LoadDynamicModels() {
924 auto sim_control_manager = SimControlManager::Instance();
925 nlohmann::json load_res;
926 if (sim_control_manager->IsEnabled()) {
927 load_res = sim_control_manager->LoadDynamicModels();
928 } else {
929 AERROR << "Sim control is not enabled!";
930 return false;
931 }
932 if (!load_res.contains("result") || !load_res["result"]) {
933 return false;
934 }
936 {
937 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
938 auto dynamic_models = status_.mutable_dynamic_models();
939 // clear old data
940 for (auto iter = dynamic_models->begin(); iter != dynamic_models->end();) {
941 iter = dynamic_models->erase(iter);
942 }
943 for (const auto &dynamic_model : load_res["loaded_dynamic_models"]) {
944 status_.add_dynamic_models(dynamic_model);
945 }
946 status_changed_ = true;
947 }
948 return true;
951void HMIWorker::DeleteScenarioSet(const std::string &scenario_set_id) {
952 if (scenario_set_id.empty()) {
953 return;
954 }
955 std::string directory_path;
956 if (!GetScenarioResourcePath(&directory_path)) {
957 AERROR << "Failed to get scenario resource path!";
958 return;
959 }
960 // check scenario_set_id if is valid to avoid path traversal
961 if (scenario_set_id.find('/') != std::string::npos ||
962 scenario_set_id.find("..") != std::string::npos ||
963 scenario_set_id.find(' ') != std::string::npos ||
964 scenario_set_id.find("~") != std::string::npos) {
965 AERROR << "Scenario set id should not contain '/' ,' ',~ and ..";
966 return;
967 }
968 directory_path = directory_path + scenario_set_id;
969 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(directory_path)) {
970 AERROR << "Failed to find scenario_set!";
971 return;
972 }
973 std::string command = "rm -fr " + directory_path;
974 // use cyber::common::removeFiles do not support sub-directory
975 // use rmdir do not support not empty directory
976 if (std::system(command.data()) != 0) {
977 AERROR << "Failed to delete scenario set directory for: "
978 << std::strerror(errno);
979 return;
980 }
981 return;
984void HMIWorker::DeleteDynamicModel(const std::string &dynamic_model_name) {
985 if (dynamic_model_name.empty()) {
986 AERROR << "Invalid param:empty dynamic model name!";
987 return;
988 }
989 {
990 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
991 // do not allowed remove changed current dynamic model
992 if (dynamic_model_name == status_.current_dynamic_model()) {
993 AERROR << "Cannot delete current dynamic model!";
994 return;
995 }
996 if (dynamic_model_name == FLAGS_sim_perfect_control) {
997 AERROR << "Cannot delete default sim control:SimPerfectControl!";
998 return;
999 }
1000 }
1001 auto sim_control_manager = SimControlManager::Instance();
1002 if (!sim_control_manager->IsEnabled()) {
1003 AERROR << "Sim control is not enabled!";
1004 return;
1005 }
1006 if (!sim_control_manager->DeleteDynamicModel(dynamic_model_name)) {
1007 // badcase1: sim control is not enable. badcase2: miss param
1008 // badcase3: Failed to delete file
1009 AERROR << "Failed to delete dynamic model!";
1010 return;
1011 }
1012 {
1013 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1014 auto iter = status_.dynamic_models().begin();
1015 while (iter != status_.dynamic_models().end()) {
1016 if (*iter == dynamic_model_name) {
1017 break;
1018 }
1019 iter++;
1020 }
1021 if (iter != status_.dynamic_models().end()) {
1022 status_.mutable_dynamic_models()->erase(iter);
1023 status_changed_ = true;
1024 } else {
1025 AWARN << "Can not find dynamic model to delete!";
1026 }
1027 }
1028 return;
1031bool HMIWorker::GetRecordPath(std::string *record_path) {
1032 CHECK_NOTNULL(record_path);
1033 const std::string home = cyber::common::GetEnv("HOME");
1034 if (home.empty()) {
1035 return false;
1036 }
1037 *record_path = home + FLAGS_resource_record_path;
1038 return true;
1041bool HMIWorker::handlePlayRecordProcess(const std::string &action_type) {
1042 std::string record_id;
1043 PlayRecordStatus current_play_record_status;
1044 PlayRecordStatus expected_play_record_status;
1045 PlayRecordStatus reasonable_play_record_status;
1046 {
1047 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1048 auto record_status = status_.current_record_status();
1049 record_id = record_status.current_record_id();
1050 current_play_record_status = record_status.play_record_status();
1051 if (record_id.empty()) {
1052 AERROR << "Failed to pause record for record has not been selected"
1053 "or process is not exists!";
1054 return false;
1055 }
1056 if (!RecordIsLoaded(record_id)) {
1057 AERROR << "Failed to pause record for record has not been loaded!";
1058 return false;
1059 }
1060 }
1061 if (action_type.compare("continue") == 0) {
1062 expected_play_record_status = PlayRecordStatus::RUNNING;
1063 reasonable_play_record_status = PlayRecordStatus::PAUSED;
1064 } else if (action_type.compare("pause") == 0) {
1065 expected_play_record_status = PlayRecordStatus::PAUSED;
1066 reasonable_play_record_status = PlayRecordStatus::RUNNING;
1067 } else {
1068 AERROR << "Invalid action type for play record.";
1069 return false;
1070 }
1071 if (reasonable_play_record_status != current_play_record_status) {
1072 return false;
1073 }
1074 auto *record_player_factory = RecordPlayerFactory::Instance();
1075 auto player_ptr = record_player_factory->GetRecordPlayer(record_id);
1076 if (!player_ptr) {
1077 AERROR << "Failed to get record player.";
1078 return false;
1079 }
1080 player_ptr->HandleNohupThreadStatus();
1082 {
1083 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1084 status_.mutable_current_record_status()->set_play_record_status(
1085 expected_play_record_status);
1086 status_changed_ = true;
1087 }
1088 record_player_factory->IncreaseRecordPriority(record_id);
1089 return true;
1092bool HMIWorker::RePlayRecord() {
1093 std::string record_id;
1094 {
1095 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1096 auto record_status = status_.current_record_status();
1097 record_id = record_status.current_record_id();
1098 if (record_status.current_record_id().empty()) {
1099 AERROR << "Failed to play record for record has not been selected!";
1100 return false;
1101 }
1102 if (!RecordIsLoaded(record_id)) {
1103 AERROR << "Failed to play record for record has not been loaded!";
1104 return false;
1105 }
1106 if (record_status.play_record_status() == PlayRecordStatus::RUNNING) {
1107 AERROR << "Record has been played,ignore dumplicate request.";
1108 return false;
1109 }
1110 }
1111 std::string record_path;
1112 if (!GetRecordPath(&record_path)) {
1113 AERROR << "Failed to get record path!";
1114 return false;
1115 }
1116 record_path = record_path + record_id + ".record";
1118 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(record_path)) {
1119 AERROR << "Failed to find record!";
1120 return false;
1121 }
1122 // play the record
1123 auto *record_player_factory = RecordPlayerFactory::Instance();
1124 auto player_ptr = record_player_factory->GetRecordPlayer(record_id);
1125 bool play_record_res = (player_ptr != nullptr);
1126 PlayRecordStatus play_record_status;
1127 if (!play_record_res) {
1128 AERROR << "Failed to get record related player";
1129 play_record_status = PlayRecordStatus::CLOSED;
1130 } else {
1131 player_ptr->PreloadPlayRecord();
1132 player_ptr->NohupPlayRecord();
1133 // get channel msgs for frontend after start play record
1134 callback_api_("GetDataHandlerConf", {});
1135 play_record_status = PlayRecordStatus::RUNNING;
1136 }
1137 {
1138 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1139 auto record_status = status_.mutable_current_record_status();
1140 record_status->set_play_record_status(play_record_status);
1141 status_changed_ = true;
1142 }
1143 record_player_factory->IncreaseRecordPriority(record_id);
1144 return play_record_res;
1147bool HMIWorker::ResetRecordProgress(const double &progress) {
1148 std::string record_id;
1149 double total_time_s;
1150 PlayRecordStatus last_record_status;
1151 {
1152 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1153 auto record_status = status_.current_record_status();
1154 record_id = record_status.current_record_id();
1155 last_record_status = record_status.play_record_status();
1156 if (record_status.current_record_id().empty()) {
1157 AERROR << "Failed to reset record progress for record has not been "
1158 "selected!";
1159 return false;
1160 }
1161 if (!RecordIsLoaded(record_id)) {
1162 AERROR << "Failed to reset record progress for record has not been "
1163 "loaded!";
1164 return false;
1165 }
1166 total_time_s = status_.records().at(record_id).total_time_s();
1167 }
1168 AERROR << "total : " << total_time_s;
1169 if (progress > total_time_s) {
1170 AERROR << "Failed to reset record progress for progress exceeds the "
1171 "record's total time.";
1172 return false;
1173 }
1174 auto *record_player_factory = RecordPlayerFactory::Instance();
1175 auto player_ptr = record_player_factory->GetRecordPlayer(record_id);
1176 if (!player_ptr) {
1177 AERROR << "Failed to get record player.";
1178 return false;
1179 }
1180 player_ptr->Reset();
1181 player_ptr->PreloadPlayRecord(
1182 progress, (last_record_status != PlayRecordStatus::RUNNING));
1183 player_ptr->NohupPlayRecord();
1184 // When a record is selected and the progress is reset; we consider
1185 // the record to be stuck at the current progress in a paused state
1186 // to keep logic consistent
1187 if (last_record_status == PlayRecordStatus::CLOSED) {
1188 last_record_status = PlayRecordStatus::PAUSED;
1189 }
1190 // get channel msgs for frontend after start play record
1191 callback_api_("GetDataHandlerConf", {});
1192 {
1193 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1194 auto record_status = status_.mutable_current_record_status();
1195 record_status->set_play_record_status(last_record_status);
1196 record_status->set_curr_time_s(progress);
1197 status_changed_ = true;
1198 }
1199 record_player_factory->IncreaseRecordPriority(record_id);
1200 return true;
1203void HMIWorker::StopRecordPlay(const std::string &record_id) {
1204 std::string curr_record_id = "";
1205 {
1206 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1207 curr_record_id = status_.current_record_status().current_record_id();
1208 }
1209 if (!record_id.empty()) {
1210 curr_record_id = record_id;
1211 }
1212 if (!RecordIsLoaded(curr_record_id)) {
1213 AERROR << "Failed to stop record player under unloaded status!";
1214 return;
1215 }
1216 auto *record_player_factory = RecordPlayerFactory::Instance();
1217 auto player_ptr = record_player_factory->GetRecordPlayer(curr_record_id);
1218 if (!player_ptr) {
1219 AERROR << "Failed to get record player to reset.";
1220 return;
1221 }
1222 player_ptr->Reset();
1223 {
1224 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1225 auto record_status = status_.mutable_current_record_status();
1226 record_status->set_play_record_status(PlayRecordStatus::CLOSED);
1227 record_status->clear_curr_time_s();
1228 }
1229 status_changed_ = true;
1232bool HMIWorker::RecordIsLoaded(const std::string &record_id) {
1233 {
1234 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1235 auto iter = status_.records().find(record_id);
1236 return iter != status_.records().end() &&
1237 (iter->second.load_record_status() == LoadRecordStatus::LOADED);
1238 }
1241void HMIWorker::ChangeRecord(const std::string &record_id) {
1242 std::string last_record_id;
1243 {
1244 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1245 auto status_records = status_.mutable_records();
1246 auto iter = status_records->find(record_id);
1247 if (iter == status_records->end()) {
1248 AERROR << "Cannot change to unknown record!";
1249 return;
1250 }
1251 if (!RecordIsLoaded(record_id)) {
1252 AERROR << "Cannot change to unloaded record, load this record before!";
1253 return;
1254 }
1255 last_record_id = status_.current_record_status().current_record_id();
1256 }
1257 if (!last_record_id.empty()) {
1258 StopRecordPlay(last_record_id);
1259 }
1260 // clear last channel msgs info for frontend after change record
1261 callback_api_("ClearDataHandlerConfChannelMsgs", {});
1262 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1263 status_.mutable_current_record_status()->set_current_record_id(record_id);
1264 auto *record_player_factory = RecordPlayerFactory::Instance();
1265 record_player_factory->SetCurrentRecord(record_id);
1266 record_player_factory->IncreaseRecordPriority(record_id);
1267 status_changed_ = true;
1268 return;
1271void HMIWorker::ClearInvalidResourceUnderChangeOperation(
1272 const HMIModeOperation operation) {
1273 ClearInvalidRecordStatus(operation);
1274 HMIModeOperation old_operation;
1275 {
1276 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1277 old_operation = status_.current_operation();
1278 }
1279 // dynamic model resource clear and sim control manager start/stop
1280 // sim control status changed when operation change
1281 auto sim_control_manager = SimControlManager::Instance();
1282 auto iter = std::find(OperationBasedOnSimControl.begin(),
1283 OperationBasedOnSimControl.end(), operation);
1284 if (iter != OperationBasedOnSimControl.end()) {
1285 sim_control_manager->Start();
1286 } else {
1287 sim_control_manager->Stop();
1288 // clear DynamicModel related info
1289 {
1290 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1291 status_.set_current_dynamic_model("");
1292 status_.clear_dynamic_models();
1293 status_changed_ = true;
1294 }
1295 }
1296 if (old_operation == HMIModeOperation::Record) {
1297 // change from record need to clear record info.
1298 ClearRecordInfo();
1299 }
1300 if (old_operation == HMIModeOperation::Waypoint_Follow) {
1301 // clear selected rtk record
1302 ClearRtkRecordInfo();
1303 }
1306void HMIWorker::ChangeOperation(const std::string &operation_str) {
1307 HMIModeOperation operation;
1308 if (!HMIModeOperation_Parse(operation_str, &operation)) {
1309 AERROR << "Invalid HMI operation string: " << operation_str;
1310 return;
1311 }
1312 {
1313 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1314 if (status_.current_mode().empty()) {
1315 AERROR << "Please select mode!";
1316 return;
1317 }
1318 auto status_operations = status_.operations();
1319 auto iter = status_operations.begin();
1320 for (; iter != status_operations.end(); iter++) {
1321 if (*iter == operation) {
1322 break;
1323 }
1324 }
1325 if (iter == status_operations.end()) {
1326 AERROR << "Cannot change to unknown operation!";
1327 return;
1328 }
1329 }
1330 ClearInvalidResourceUnderChangeOperation(operation);
1331 {
1332 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1333 status_.set_current_operation(operation);
1334 status_changed_ = true;
1335 }
1336 return;
1339bool HMIWorker::ReadRecordInfo(const std::string &file,
1340 double *total_time_s) const {
1341 cyber::record::RecordFileReader file_reader;
1342 if (!file_reader.Open(file)) {
1343 AERROR << "open record file error. file: " << file;
1344 return false;
1345 }
1346 cyber::proto::Header hdr = file_reader.GetHeader();
1347 if (!hdr.is_complete()) {
1348 AERROR << "record is not complete, can not be used. file: " << file;
1349 return false;
1350 }
1351 auto begin_time_s = static_cast<double>(hdr.begin_time()) / 1e9;
1352 auto end_time_s = static_cast<double>(hdr.end_time()) / 1e9;
1353 double loop_time_s = end_time_s - begin_time_s;
1354 *total_time_s = std::round(loop_time_s * 1e2) / 1e2;
1355 return true;
1358bool HMIWorker::UpdateMapToStatus(const std::string &map_tar_name) {
1359 if (map_tar_name.empty()) {
1360 ReloadMaps();
1361 return true;
1362 }
1363 std::string map_dir = FLAGS_maps_data_path + "/";
1364 std::string map_name_prefix;
1365 int index = map_tar_name.rfind(".tar.xz");
1366 if (index != -1 && map_tar_name[0] != '.') {
1367 map_name_prefix = map_tar_name.substr(0, index);
1368 map_dir = map_dir + map_name_prefix;
1369 } else {
1370 AERROR << "The map name does not meet the standard!" << map_tar_name;
1371 return false;
1372 }
1373 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(map_dir)) {
1374 AERROR << "Failed to find maps!";
1375 return false;
1376 }
1377 map_name_prefix = util::HMIUtil::TitleCase(map_name_prefix);
1378 {
1379 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1380 auto iter = status_.maps().begin();
1381 for (; iter != status_.maps().end(); iter++) {
1382 if (*iter == map_name_prefix) {
1383 break;
1384 }
1385 }
1386 if (iter != status_.maps().end()) {
1387 return true;
1388 }
1389 status_.add_maps(map_name_prefix);
1390 status_changed_ = true;
1391 }
1392 return true;
1395bool HMIWorker::LoadRecordAndChangeStatus(const std::string &record_name) {
1396 std::string record_file_path;
1397 {
1398 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1399 auto &status_records = status_.records();
1400 auto iter = status_records.find(record_name);
1401 if (iter == status_records.end()) {
1402 AERROR << "Cannot load unknown record!";
1403 return false;
1404 }
1405 if (RecordIsLoaded(record_name)) {
1406 AERROR << "Cannot load already loaded record.";
1407 return false;
1408 }
1409 if (iter->second.record_file_path().empty()) {
1410 AERROR << "Cannot load record without record file path!";
1411 return false;
1412 }
1413 record_file_path = iter->second.record_file_path();
1414 }
1415 {
1416 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1417 auto status_records = status_.mutable_records();
1418 (*status_records)[record_name].set_load_record_status(
1419 LoadRecordStatus::LOADING);
1420 }
1421 double total_time_s;
1422 if (LoadRecord(record_name, record_file_path, &total_time_s)) {
1423 {
1424 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1425 auto status_records = status_.mutable_records();
1426 (*status_records)[record_name].set_load_record_status(
1427 LoadRecordStatus::LOADED);
1428 (*status_records)[record_name].set_total_time_s(total_time_s);
1429 }
1430 RecordPlayerFactory::Instance()->IncreaseRecordPriority(record_name);
1431 } else {
1432 {
1433 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1434 auto status_records = status_.mutable_records();
1435 (*status_records)[record_name].set_load_record_status(
1436 LoadRecordStatus::NOT_LOAD);
1437 }
1438 }
1439 return true;
1442bool HMIWorker::LoadRecord(const std::string &record_name,
1443 const std::string &record_file_path,
1444 double *total_time_s) {
1445 if (RecordIsLoaded(record_name)) {
1446 AERROR << "Record is loaded,no need to load";
1447 return false;
1448 }
1449 // check if record player factory can continue load
1450 auto record_player_factory = RecordPlayerFactory::Instance();
1451 if (!record_player_factory->EnableContinueLoad()) {
1452 // can not load record,need to remove lru record
1453 std::string remove_record_id;
1454 if (record_player_factory->RemoveLRURecord(&remove_record_id)) {
1455 // remove successfully, change removed record status
1456 {
1457 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1458 auto status_records = status_.mutable_records();
1459 (*status_records)[remove_record_id].set_load_record_status(
1460 LoadRecordStatus::NOT_LOAD);
1461 (*status_records)[remove_record_id].clear_total_time_s();
1462 }
1463 }
1464 }
1465 if (!ReadRecordInfo(record_file_path, total_time_s)) {
1466 return false;
1467 }
1468 if (!record_player_factory->RegisterRecordPlayer(record_name,
1469 record_file_path)) {
1470 return false;
1471 }
1472 return true;
1475bool HMIWorker::LoadRecords() {
1476 std::string directory_path;
1477 auto *record_player_factory = RecordPlayerFactory::Instance();
1478 if (!GetRecordPath(&directory_path)) {
1479 AERROR << "Failed to get record path!";
1480 return false;
1481 }
1482 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(directory_path)) {
1483 AERROR << "Failed to find records!";
1484 return false;
1485 }
1486 DIR *directory = opendir(directory_path.c_str());
1487 if (directory == nullptr) {
1488 AERROR << "Cannot open record directory" << directory_path;
1489 return false;
1490 }
1491 struct dirent *file;
1492 google::protobuf::Map<std::string, LoadRecordInfo> new_records;
1493 while ((file = readdir(directory)) != nullptr) {
1494 if (!strcmp(file->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(file->d_name, "..")) {
1495 continue;
1496 }
1497 if (file->d_type == DT_DIR) {
1498 continue;
1499 }
1500 const std::string record_id = file->d_name;
1501 const int index = record_id.rfind(".record");
1502 // Skip format that dv cannot parse: record not ending in record
1503 size_t record_suffix_length = 7;
1504 if (record_id.length() - index != record_suffix_length) {
1505 continue;
1506 }
1507 if (index != -1 && record_id[0] != '.') {
1508 const std::string local_record_resource = record_id.substr(0, index);
1509 const std::string record_file_path = directory_path + "/" + record_id;
1510 double total_time_s;
1511 // Already loaded, no need to change status
1512 if (RecordIsLoaded(local_record_resource)) {
1513 continue;
1514 }
1515 // already reach max preload num,no load only get basic info
1516 if (!record_player_factory->EnableContinuePreload()) {
1517 new_records[local_record_resource].set_load_record_status(
1518 LoadRecordStatus::NOT_LOAD);
1519 new_records[local_record_resource].set_record_file_path(
1520 record_file_path);
1521 continue;
1522 }
1523 // failed to load record,continue
1524 if (!LoadRecord(local_record_resource, record_file_path, &total_time_s)) {
1525 continue;
1526 }
1527 // Successfully load record, change hmi status
1528 new_records[local_record_resource].set_total_time_s(total_time_s);
1529 new_records[local_record_resource].set_load_record_status(
1530 LoadRecordStatus::LOADED);
1531 new_records[local_record_resource].set_record_file_path(record_file_path);
1532 }
1533 }
1534 closedir(directory);
1535 {
1536 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1537 auto status_records = status_.mutable_records();
1538 for (auto iter = new_records.begin(); iter != new_records.end(); iter++) {
1539 (*status_records)[iter->first] = iter->second;
1540 }
1541 status_changed_ = true;
1542 }
1543 return true;
1546void HMIWorker::DeleteMap(const std::string &map_name) {
1547 std::string title_map_name = util::HMIUtil::TitleCase(map_name);
1548 if (map_name.empty()) {
1549 return;
1550 }
1551 std::string map_dir = FLAGS_maps_data_path + "/";
1552 std::string map_abs_path = map_dir + map_name;
1553 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(map_abs_path)) {
1554 AERROR << "Failed to get map path: " << map_abs_path;
1555 return;
1556 }
1557 {
1558 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1559 auto iter = status_.maps().begin();
1560 for (; iter != status_.maps().end(); iter++) {
1561 if (*iter == title_map_name) {
1562 break;
1563 }
1564 }
1565 if (iter == status_.maps().end()) {
1566 AERROR << "Faile to find map name";
1567 return;
1568 }
1569 if (status_.current_map() == title_map_name) {
1570 AERROR << "Cann't delete current selected map";
1571 return;
1572 }
1573 status_.mutable_maps()->erase(iter);
1574 status_changed_ = true;
1575 }
1577 std::string cmd = "rm -rf " + map_abs_path;
1578 if (std::system(cmd.data()) != 0) {
1579 AERROR << "Failed to delete map for: " << std::strerror(errno);
1580 return;
1581 }
1582 std::string tar_abs_path = map_dir + map_name + ".tar.xz";
1584 if (cyber::common::PathExists(tar_abs_path)) {
1585 cmd = "rm -rf " + tar_abs_path;
1586 if (std::system(cmd.data()) != 0) {
1587 AERROR << "Failed to delete map tar file for: " << std::strerror(errno);
1588 }
1589 }
1590 return;
1593void HMIWorker::DeleteRecord(const std::string &record_id) {
1594 if (record_id.empty()) {
1595 return;
1596 }
1597 std::string record_path;
1598 if (!GetRecordPath(&record_path)) {
1599 AERROR << "Failed to get record path";
1600 return;
1601 }
1602 if (record_id.find('/') != std::string::npos ||
1603 record_id.find("..") != std::string::npos ||
1604 record_id.find(' ') != std::string::npos ||
1605 record_id.find("~") != std::string::npos) {
1606 AERROR << "Record id should not contain '/' ,' ',~ and ..";
1607 return;
1608 }
1609 const std::string record_abs_path = record_path + record_id + ".record";
1610 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(record_abs_path)) {
1611 AERROR << "Failed to get record path: " << record_abs_path;
1612 return;
1613 }
1614 // find the delete record if exist and judge the record whether playing now
1615 {
1616 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1617 auto &status_records = status_.records();
1618 if (status_records.find(record_id) == status_records.end()) {
1619 AERROR << "Failed to find record id: " << record_id;
1620 return;
1621 }
1622 if (record_id == status_.current_record_status().current_record_id()) {
1623 AERROR << "Cann't delete current selected record";
1624 return;
1625 }
1626 }
1627 // unregister record player from player factory
1628 auto *record_player_factory = RecordPlayerFactory::Instance();
1629 record_player_factory->UnregisterRecordPlayer(record_id);
1630 {
1631 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1632 status_.mutable_records()->erase(record_id);
1633 status_changed_ = true;
1634 }
1636 // delete record from disk
1637 std::string command = "rm -rf " + record_abs_path;
1638 if (std::system(command.data()) != 0) {
1639 AERROR << "Failed to delete record for: " << std::strerror(errno);
1640 return;
1641 }
1642 // record may unzip from same name tar xz file,delete record file also need
1643 // to delete record tar xz file
1644 const std::string tar_abs_path = record_path + record_id + ".tar.xz";
1645 if (cyber::common::PathExists(tar_abs_path)) {
1646 command = "rm -rf " + tar_abs_path;
1647 if (std::system(command.data()) != 0) {
1648 AERROR << "Failed to delete record tar file for: "
1649 << std::strerror(errno);
1650 return;
1651 }
1652 }
1653 return;
1656void HMIWorker::ReloadMaps() {
1657 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1658 config_.mutable_maps()->clear();
1659 *(config_.mutable_maps()) =
1660 util::HMIUtil::ListDirAsDict(FLAGS_maps_data_path);
1661 status_.clear_maps();
1662 for (const auto &map : config_.maps()) {
1663 status_.add_maps(map.first);
1664 }
1665 if (status_.current_map() != "") {
1666 // if current map is not empty, check whether it exists in config
1667 if (config_.maps().find(status_.current_map()) == config_.maps().end()) {
1668 // if not, set current map to empty string
1669 AINFO << "Current map is not in status. Reset it.";
1670 status_.set_current_map("");
1671 }
1672 }
1673 status_changed_ = true;
1674 return;
1677bool HMIWorker::ReloadVehicles() {
1678 HMIConfig config =
1679 util::HMIUtil::LoadConfig(FLAGS_dv_plus_hmi_modes_config_path);
1680 std::string msg;
1681 config.SerializeToString(&msg);
1683 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1684 config_.ParseFromString(msg);
1685 // status_.clear_modes();
1686 // status_.clear_maps();
1687 status_.clear_vehicles();
1688 // InitStatus();
1689 // Populate vehicles and current_vehicle.
1690 for (const auto &vehicle : config_.vehicles()) {
1691 status_.add_vehicles(vehicle.first);
1692 }
1693 status_changed_ = true;
1694 return true;
1697void HMIWorker::UpdateCameraSensorChannelToStatus(
1698 const std::string &channel_name) {
1699 {
1700 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1701 if (status_.current_camera_sensor_channel() == channel_name) {
1702 AINFO << "Input channel name is current camera sensor channel";
1703 return;
1704 }
1705 status_.set_current_camera_sensor_channel(channel_name);
1706 status_changed_ = true;
1707 }
1710void HMIWorker::UpdatePointCloudChannelToStatus(
1711 const std::string &channel_name) {
1712 {
1713 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1714 if (status_.current_point_cloud_channel() == channel_name) {
1715 AINFO << "Input channel name is current camera sensor channel";
1716 return;
1717 }
1718 status_.set_current_point_cloud_channel(channel_name);
1719 status_changed_ = true;
1720 }
1723void HMIWorker::DeleteVehicleConfig(const std::string &vehicle_name) {
1724 if (vehicle_name.empty()) {
1725 return;
1726 }
1727 const std::string *vehicle_dir = FindOrNull(config_.vehicles(), vehicle_name);
1728 if (vehicle_dir == nullptr) {
1729 AERROR << "Unknow vehicle name" << vehicle_name;
1730 return;
1731 }
1732 {
1733 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1734 if (status_.current_vehicle() == vehicle_name) {
1735 AERROR << "The deleted vehicle profile is the one in use.";
1736 return;
1737 }
1738 }
1739 if (!cyber::common::DeleteFile(*vehicle_dir)) {
1740 AERROR << "Delete vehicle profile [" << vehicle_name << "] failed!";
1741 return;
1742 }
1743 if (!ReloadVehicles()) {
1744 AERROR << "Update vehicle profile [" << vehicle_name << "] failed!";
1745 return;
1746 }
1749void HMIWorker::DeleteV2xConfig(const std::string &vehicle_name) {
1750 if (vehicle_name.empty()) {
1751 return;
1752 }
1753 const std::string *vehicle_dir =
1754 FindOrNull(config_.vehicles(), util::HMIUtil::TitleCase(vehicle_name));
1755 if (vehicle_dir == nullptr) {
1756 AERROR << "Unknow vehicle name " << vehicle_name;
1757 return;
1758 }
1759 const std::string v2x_dir = *vehicle_dir + "/v2x_conf";
1760 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(v2x_dir)) {
1761 AINFO << "The directory does not exist or the directory has been deleted";
1762 }
1763 if (!cyber::common::DeleteFile(v2x_dir)) {
1764 AERROR << "Delete v2x config [" << vehicle_name << "/v2x_conf] failed!";
1765 return;
1766 }
1769bool HMIWorker::StartDataRecorder() {
1770 std::string start_cmd =
1771 "/apollo/scripts/record_bag.py --start --all --dreamview "
1772 "--default_name " +
1773 FLAGS_data_record_default_name;
1774 int ret = std::system(start_cmd.data());
1775 if (ret == 0) {
1776 auto *monitors = FuelMonitorManager::Instance()->GetCurrentMonitors();
1777 if (monitors != nullptr) {
1778 auto iter = monitors->find(FLAGS_data_collection_monitor_name);
1779 if (iter != monitors->end()) {
1780 auto *data_collection_monitor = iter->second.get();
1781 if (data_collection_monitor->IsEnabled() && record_count_ == 0) {
1782 data_collection_monitor->Restart();
1783 }
1784 }
1785 ++record_count_;
1786 }
1787 return true;
1788 } else {
1789 AERROR << "Failed to start the cyber_recorder process";
1790 return false;
1791 }
1794bool HMIWorker::StopDataRecorder() {
1795 std::string stop_cmd = "/apollo/scripts/record_bag.py --stop";
1796 int ret = std::system(stop_cmd.data());
1797 if (ret == 0) {
1798 return true;
1799 } else {
1800 AERROR << "Failed to stop the cyber_recorder process";
1801 return false;
1802 }
1805int HMIWorker::SaveDataRecorder(const std::string &new_name) {
1806 std::string data_record_default_path =
1807 std::string(cyber::common::GetEnv("HOME", "/home/apollo")) +
1808 "/.apollo/resources/records/" + FLAGS_data_record_default_name;
1809 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(data_record_default_path)) {
1810 AERROR << "Failed to save the record, the dreamview recording record does "
1811 "not exist, please record through dreamview.";
1812 return -2;
1813 }
1814 std::string save_cmd = "/apollo/scripts/record_bag.py --default_name " +
1815 FLAGS_data_record_default_name + " --rename " +
1816 new_name;
1817 int ret = std::system(save_cmd.data());
1818 if (ret == 0) {
1819 LoadRecords();
1820 return 1;
1821 } else {
1822 AERROR << "Failed to save the record, a file with the same name exists";
1823 return -1;
1824 }
1827bool HMIWorker::DeleteDataRecorder() {
1828 std::string delete_cmd =
1829 "/apollo/scripts/record_bag.py --delete --default_name " +
1830 FLAGS_data_record_default_name;
1831 int ret = std::system(delete_cmd.data());
1832 if (ret == 0) {
1833 return true;
1834 } else {
1835 AERROR << "Failed to delete the record";
1836 return false;
1837 }
1840void HMIWorker::ClearRecordInfo() {
1841 std::string last_record_id;
1842 {
1843 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1844 if (status_.current_operation() != HMIModeOperation::Record) {
1845 return;
1846 }
1847 last_record_id = status_.current_record_status().current_record_id();
1848 }
1849 if (!last_record_id.empty()) {
1850 StopRecordPlay(last_record_id);
1851 }
1852 // clear last channel msgs info for frontend after change record
1853 callback_api_("ClearDataHandlerConfChannelMsgs", {});
1854 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1855 status_.mutable_current_record_status()->clear_current_record_id();
1856 status_changed_ = true;
1857 return;
1860void HMIWorker::ClearRtkRecordInfo() {
1861 std::string last_rtk_record_id;
1862 {
1863 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
1864 if (status_.current_operation() != HMIModeOperation::Waypoint_Follow) {
1865 return;
1866 }
1867 last_rtk_record_id = status_.current_rtk_record_id();
1868 }
1869 if (!last_rtk_record_id.empty()) {
1870 StopPlayRtkRecorder();
1871 }
1872 {
1873 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1874 status_.set_current_rtk_record_id("");
1875 status_changed_ = true;
1876 }
1877 return;
1880void HMIWorker::AddExpectedModules(const HMIAction &action) {
1881 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1882 int expected_modules = 1;
1883 if (action == HMIAction::SETUP_MODE) {
1884 expected_modules = status_.modules_size();
1885 }
1886 status_.set_expected_modules(status_.expected_modules() + expected_modules);
1887 status_changed_ = true;
1890void HMIWorker::OnTimer(const double &overtime_time) {
1891 if (monitor_reader_ != nullptr) {
1892 auto delay_sec = monitor_reader_->GetDelaySec();
1893 if (delay_sec < 0 || delay_sec > overtime_time) {
1894 AERROR << "Running time error: monitor is not turned on!";
1895 {
1896 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1897 for (auto &iter : *status_.mutable_modules_lock()) {
1898 iter.second = false;
1899 }
1900 }
1901 }
1902 }
1903 {
1904 // When there is a problem with the module and it cannot be opened or
1905 // closed, unlock the loading lock state
1906 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1907 auto modules = status_.mutable_modules();
1908 auto modules_lock = status_.mutable_modules_lock();
1909 for (const auto &iter : current_mode_.modules()) {
1910 if (previous_modules_lock_[iter.first] && (*modules_lock)[iter.first] &&
1911 !isProcessRunning(iter.second.start_command())) {
1912 (*modules)[iter.first] = false;
1913 LockModule(iter.first, false);
1914 }
1915 previous_modules_lock_[iter.first] = (*modules_lock)[iter.first];
1916 }
1917 }
1920void HMIWorker::LockModule(const std::string &module, const bool &lock_flag) {
1921 auto modules_lock = status_.mutable_modules_lock();
1922 (*modules_lock)[module] = lock_flag;
1925bool HMIWorker::AddOrModifyObjectToDB(const std::string &key,
1926 const std::string &value) {
1927 return KVDB::Put(key, value);
1930bool HMIWorker::DeleteObjectToDB(const std::string &key) {
1931 return KVDB::Delete(key);
1934std::string HMIWorker::GetObjectFromDB(const std::string &key) {
1935 return KVDB::Get(key).value_or("");
1938std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>
1939HMIWorker::GetTuplesWithTypeFromDB(const std::string &type) {
1940 return KVDB::GetWithStart(type);
1943bool HMIWorker::StartTerminal() {
1944 return std::system(FLAGS_terminal_start_cmd.data()) == 0;
1947void HMIWorker::GetRtkRecordPath(std::string *record_path) {
1948 CHECK_NOTNULL(record_path);
1949 *record_path = FLAGS_resource_rtk_record_path;
1952bool HMIWorker::LoadRtkRecords() {
1953 {
1954 WLock wLock(status_mutex_);
1955 status_.clear_rtk_records();
1956 }
1957 std::string directory_path;
1958 GetRtkRecordPath(&directory_path);
1959 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(directory_path)) {
1960 AERROR << "Failed to find rtk records!";
1961 return false;
1962 }
1963 DIR *directory = opendir(directory_path.c_str());
1964 if (directory == nullptr) {
1965 AERROR << "Cannot open rtk record directory" << directory_path;
1966 return false;
1967 }
1968 struct dirent *file;
1969 std::map<std::string, double> new_records;
1970 while ((file = readdir(directory)) != nullptr) {
1971 if (!strcmp(file->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(file->d_name, "..")) {
1972 continue;
1973 }
1974 if (file->d_type == DT_DIR) {
1975 continue;
1976 }
1977 const std::string record_id = file->d_name;
1978 const int index = record_id.rfind(".csv");
1979 if (index != -1 && record_id[0] != '.') {
1980 const std::string local_record_resource = record_id.substr(0, index);
1981 {
1982 WLock wLock(status_mutex_);
1983 status_.add_rtk_records(local_record_resource);
1984 }
1985 }
1986 }
1987 closedir(directory);
1988 {
1989 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
1990 status_changed_ = true;
1991 }
1992 return true;
1995bool HMIWorker::StartRtkDataRecorder() {
1996 std::string start_cmd = "nohup /apollo/scripts/rtk_recorder.sh start &";
1997 int ret = std::system(start_cmd.data());
1998 if (ret == 0) {
1999 return true;
2000 } else {
2001 AERROR << "Failed to start the rtk_recorder process";
2002 return false;
2003 }
2006bool HMIWorker::StopRtkDataRecorder() {
2007 std::string stop_cmd = "/apollo/scripts/rtk_recorder.sh stop";
2008 int ret = std::system(stop_cmd.data());
2009 if (ret == 9) {
2010 return true;
2011 } else {
2012 AERROR << "Failed to stop the rtk_recorder process";
2013 return false;
2014 }
2017Json HMIWorker::StartPlayRtkRecorder() {
2018 Json result;
2019 if (!ChangeDrivingMode(Chassis::COMPLETE_AUTO_DRIVE)) {
2020 AERROR << "Failed to play rtk: Failed to enter auto drive.";
2021 result["error"] = "Failed to enter auto drive";
2022 result["isOk"] = false;
2023 return result;
2024 }
2025 std::string record_id;
2026 {
2027 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
2028 record_id = status_.current_rtk_record_id();
2029 }
2030 std::string start_cmd =
2031 "nohup /apollo/scripts/rtk_player.sh start " + record_id + " &";
2032 int ret = std::system(start_cmd.data());
2033 if (ret == 0) {
2034 AINFO << "Start the rtk_recorder process Successful.";
2035 result["isOk"] = true;
2036 } else {
2037 AERROR << "Failed to play rtk: Failed to start the rtk_recorder process.";
2038 result["error"] = "Failed to start the rtk_recorder process";
2039 result["isOk"] = false;
2040 }
2041 return result;
2044bool HMIWorker::StopPlayRtkRecorder() {
2045 std::string stop_cmd = "/apollo/scripts/rtk_player.sh stop";
2046 int ret = std::system(stop_cmd.data());
2047 if (ret == 9) {
2048 return true;
2049 } else {
2050 AERROR << "Failed to stop the rtk_recorder process";
2051 return false;
2052 }
2055int HMIWorker::SaveRtkDataRecorder(const std::string &new_name) {
2056 std::string new_rtk_record_file =
2057 FLAGS_default_rtk_record_path + new_name + ".csv";
2058 if (cyber::common::PathExists(new_rtk_record_file)) {
2059 AERROR << "Failed to save the ret record, a file with the same name exists";
2060 return -1;
2061 }
2062 if (std::rename(FLAGS_default_rtk_record_file.data(),
2063 new_rtk_record_file.data()) == 0) {
2064 UpdateRtkRecordToStatus(new_name);
2065 return 1;
2066 } else {
2067 AERROR << "Failed to save the ret record, save command execution failed";
2068 return -3;
2069 }
2072bool HMIWorker::DeleteRtkDataRecorder() {
2073 if (!cyber::common::PathExists(FLAGS_default_rtk_record_file)) {
2074 AERROR << "Failed to delete the ret record, file not exist";
2075 return false;
2076 }
2077 if (std::remove(FLAGS_default_rtk_record_file.data()) == 0) {
2078 return true;
2079 } else {
2080 AERROR << "Failed to delete the record, delete command execution failed";
2081 return false;
2082 }
2085void HMIWorker::ChangeRtkRecord(const std::string &record_id) {
2086 if (!StopPlayRtkRecorder()) {
2087 AWARN << "Warning to change rtk record: Failed to stop the rtk_recorder "
2088 "process.";
2089 }
2090 std::string last_record_id;
2091 {
2092 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
2093 last_record_id = status_.current_rtk_record_id();
2094 }
2095 if (last_record_id == record_id) {
2096 AERROR << "Failed to change rtk record: rtk record is same!";
2097 return;
2098 }
2099 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
2100 status_.set_current_rtk_record_id(record_id);
2101 status_changed_ = true;
2102 return;
2105void HMIWorker::UpdateRtkRecordToStatus(const std::string &new_name) {
2106 WLock wlock(status_mutex_);
2107 status_.add_rtk_records(new_name);
2108 status_changed_ = true;
2111void HMIWorker::ClearInvalidRecordStatus(const HMIModeOperation &operation) {
2112 HMIModeOperation last_operation;
2113 {
2114 RLock rlock(status_mutex_);
2115 last_operation = status_.current_operation();
2116 }
2117 if (operation == last_operation) {
2118 return;
2119 } else if (last_operation == HMIModeOperation::Waypoint_Follow) {
2120 StopRtkDataRecorder();
2121 DeleteRtkDataRecorder();
2122 } else if (operation == HMIModeOperation::Waypoint_Follow) {
2123 StopDataRecorder();
2124 DeleteDataRecorder();
2125 }
2128bool HMIWorker::isProcessRunning(const std::string &process_name) {
2129 std::stringstream commandStream;
2130 commandStream << "pgrep -f " << process_name;
2131 std::string command = commandStream.str();
2133 FILE *fp = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
2134 if (fp) {
2135 char result[128];
2136 if (fgets(result, sizeof(result), fp) != nullptr) {
2137 AINFO << process_name << " is running";
2138 pclose(fp);
2139 return true;
2140 } else {
2141 AINFO << process_name << " is not running";
2142 }
2143 pclose(fp);
2144 }
2145 return false;
2148bool HMIWorker::PackageExist(const std::string &package_name) {
2149 std::string package_path_prefix;
2151 FLAGS_apollo_package_meta_info_path_prefix, "APOLLO_DISTRIBUTION_HOME",
2152 &package_path_prefix)) {
2153 AERROR << FLAGS_apollo_package_meta_info_path_prefix
2154 << " No such package meta info path prefix";
2155 return false;
2156 }
2157 std::string package_meta_info_path =
2158 package_path_prefix + package_name +
2159 "/cyberfile.xml";
2160 AINFO << "package_meta_info_path: " << package_meta_info_path;
2161 return (cyber::common::PathExists(package_meta_info_path));
2164std::string HMIWorker::GetCurrentModeDefaultLayout() {
2165 if (current_mode_.has_layout()) {
2166 const auto default_layout_json =
2168 "default_layout", current_mode_.layout());
2169 return default_layout_json["data"].dump();
2170 }
2171 AWARN << "There is no default layout for the current mode.";
2172 return "";
2175void HMIWorker::LoadDvPluginPanelsJson() {
2176 plugin_panels_json_ = Json::array();
2178 DIR *directory = opendir(FLAGS_dv_plugin_panels_path.c_str());
2179 if (!directory) {
2180 AERROR << "can not open: " << FLAGS_dv_plugin_panels_path;
2181 return;
2182 }
2184 struct dirent *file;
2185 while ((file = readdir(directory)) != nullptr) {
2186 if (!strcmp(file->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(file->d_name, "..")) {
2187 continue;
2188 }
2189 std::string subdir_path = FLAGS_dv_plugin_panels_path + "/" + file->d_name;
2190 if (file->d_type == DT_DIR) {
2191 std::string file_path = subdir_path + "/conf.json";
2193 std::ifstream ifs(file_path);
2194 if (!ifs.is_open()) {
2195 AERROR << "can not open: " << file_path;
2196 continue;
2197 }
2199 Json conf_json;
2200 ifs >> conf_json;
2201 ifs.close();
2202 plugin_panels_json_.push_back(conf_json);
2203 }
2204 }
2205 closedir(directory);
2208std::string HMIWorker::GetDvPluginPanelsJsonStr() {
2209 return plugin_panels_json_.empty() ? "" : plugin_panels_json_.dump();
2212} // namespace dreamview
2213} // namespace apollo
Lightweight key-value database to store system-wide parameters.
Definition kv_db.h:39
static nlohmann::json ProtoToTypedJson(const std::string &json_type, const google::protobuf::Message &proto)
Convert proto to a json string.
Definition json_util.cc:37
a singleton clock that can be used to get the current timestamp.
Definition clock.h:39
static double NowInSeconds()
gets the current time in second.
Definition clock.cc:56
Node is the fundamental building block of Cyber RT.
Definition node.h:44
#define ACHECK(cond)
Definition log.h:80
#define AERROR
Definition log.h:44
#define AERROR_IF(cond)
Definition log.h:74
#define AFATAL
Definition log.h:45
#define AINFO
Definition log.h:42
#define AWARN
Definition log.h:43
Some map util functions.
Some string util functions.
nlohmann::json Json
size_t MessageFingerprint(const google::protobuf::Message &message)
bool GetFilePathWithEnv(const std::string &path, const std::string &env_var, std::string *file_path)
get file path, judgement priority:
Definition file.cc:436
bool LoadConfig(const std::string &relative_path, T *config)
Definition file.h:265
boost::shared_lock< boost::shared_mutex > RLock
boost::unique_lock< boost::shared_mutex > WLock
const std::string start_cmd
Definition teleop.cc:53
const std::string stop_cmd
Definition teleop.cc:54
class register implement
Definition arena_queue.h:37
DEFINE_string(cyber_recorder_play_command, "cyber_recorder play -p 1 -f ", "Cyber recorder play command")