20#include "glog/logging.h"
38 auto state = nano_radar->mutable_radar_region_state();
39 state->set_region_id(region_id(bytes, length));
40 state->set_region_max_output_number(region_max_output_number(bytes, length));
41 state->set_point1_longitude(point1_longitude(bytes, length));
42 state->set_point1_lateral(floor(point1_lateral(bytes, length)));
43 state->set_point2_longitude(point2_longitude(bytes, length));
44 state->set_point2_lateral(floor(point2_lateral(bytes, length)));
47int CollisionDetectionRegionState402::region_id(
const std::uint8_t* bytes,
48 int32_t length)
const {
50 uint32_t x = t0.get_byte(6, 2);
56int CollisionDetectionRegionState402::region_max_output_number(
57 const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length)
const {
59 uint32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 5);
65double CollisionDetectionRegionState402::point1_longitude(
66 const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length)
const {
68 int32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 8);
71 int32_t t = t1.get_byte(3, 5);
80double CollisionDetectionRegionState402::point1_lateral(
81 const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length)
const {
83 int32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 3);
86 int32_t t = t1.get_byte(0, 8);
95double CollisionDetectionRegionState402::point2_longitude(
96 const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length)
const {
98 int32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 8);
101 int32_t t = t1.get_byte(3, 5);
110double CollisionDetectionRegionState402::point2_lateral(
111 const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length)
const {
113 int32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 3);
116 int32_t t = t1.get_byte(0, 8);
The class of one byte, which is 8 bits.
void Parse(const std::uint8_t *bytes, int32_t length, NanoRadar *nano_radar) const override
const double REGION_POINT_RES