Apollo 10.0
1syntax = "proto2";
3package apollo.drivers.gnss;
8 SOL_COMPUTED = 0; // solution computed
9 INSUFFICIENT_OBS = 1; // insufficient observations
10 NO_CONVERGENCE = 2; // no convergence
11 SINGULARITY = 3; // singularity at parameters matrix
12 COV_TRACE = 4; // covariance trace exceeds maximum (trace > 1000 m)
13 TEST_DIST = 5; // test distance exceeded (max of 3 rejections if distance >
14 // 10 km)
15 COLD_START = 6; // not yet converged from cold start
16 V_H_LIMIT = 7; // height or velocity limits exceeded
17 VARIANCE = 8; // variance exceeds limits
18 RESIDUALS = 9; // residuals are too large
19 INTEGRITY_WARNING = 13; // large residuals make position questionable
20 PENDING = 18; // receiver computes its position and determines if the fixed
21 // position is valid
22 INVALID_FIX = 19; // the fixed position entered using the fix position
23 // command is invalid
24 UNAUTHORIZED = 20; // position type is unauthorized
26 22; // selected logging rate is not supported for this solution type
63 INS_PPP = 74;
66enum DatumId {
67 // We only use WGS-84.
68 WGS84 = 61;
71message GnssBestPose {
72 optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
73 optional double measurement_time = 2; // In seconds.
74 optional SolutionStatus sol_status = 3;
75 optional SolutionType sol_type = 4;
76 optional double latitude = 5; // in degrees
77 optional double longitude = 6; // in degrees
78 optional double height_msl = 7; // height above mean sea level in meters
79 optional float undulation = 8; // undulation = height_wgs84 - height_msl
80 optional DatumId datum_id = 9; // datum id number
81 optional float latitude_std_dev = 10; // latitude standard deviation (m)
82 optional float longitude_std_dev = 11; // longitude standard deviation (m)
83 optional float height_std_dev = 12; // height standard deviation (m)
84 optional bytes base_station_id = 13; // base station id
85 optional float differential_age = 14; // differential position age (sec)
86 optional float solution_age = 15; // solution age (sec)
87 optional uint32 num_sats_tracked = 16; // number of satellites tracked
88 // number of satellites used in solution
89 optional uint32 num_sats_in_solution = 17;
90 // number of L1/E1/B1 satellites used in solution
91 optional uint32 num_sats_l1 = 18;
92 // number of multi-frequency satellites used in solution
93 optional uint32 num_sats_multi = 19;
94 optional uint32 reserved = 20; // reserved
95 // extended solution status - OEMV and greater only
96 optional uint32 extended_solution_status = 21;
97 optional uint32 galileo_beidou_used_mask = 22;
98 optional uint32 gps_glonass_used_mask = 23;
class register implement
Definition arena_queue.h:37