Apollo 10.0
1syntax = "proto2";
7package apollo.control;
9message FilterConf {
10 optional int32 cutoff_freq = 1;
13message MPCControllerConf{
14 optional double ts = 1; // sample time (dt) 0.01 sec, configurable
15 optional double cf = 2; // corner stiffness front: N/rad
16 optional double cr = 3; // corner stiffness rear: N/rad
17 optional int32 mass_fl = 4; // mass forward left
18 optional int32 mass_fr = 5; // mass forward right
19 optional int32 mass_rl = 6; // mass rear left
20 optional int32 mass_rr = 7; // mass rear right
21 optional double eps = 8; // converge threshold
23 // output variable (control state) weight matrix
24 // (lateral_error, lateral_error_rate, heading_error, heading_error_rate,
25 // station_error, speed_error)
26 repeated double matrix_q = 9;
28 // manipulated variable weight matrix
29 // (steer, acceleration)
30 repeated double matrix_r = 10;
32 optional int32 cutoff_freq = 11; // cutoff frequency
33 optional int32 mean_filter_window_size = 12; // window size of mean filter
34 // for a normal car, it should be in range[16, 18]
35 optional int32 max_iteration = 13; // maximum iteration for lqr solve
36 optional double max_lateral_acceleration = 14; // limit aggressive steering
37 optional double standstill_acceleration = 15;
38 optional double brake_minimum_action = 16;
39 optional double throttle_minimum_action = 17;
40 optional apollo.control.GainScheduler lat_err_gain_scheduler = 18;
41 optional apollo.control.GainScheduler heading_err_gain_scheduler = 19;
42 optional apollo.control.GainScheduler steer_weight_gain_scheduler = 20;
43 optional apollo.control.GainScheduler feedforwardterm_gain_scheduler = 21;
44 optional bool enable_mpc_feedforward_compensation = 23 [default = false];
45 optional double unconstrained_control_diff_limit = 24;
46 optional bool use_lqr_curvature_feedforward = 25;
47 optional bool use_preview = 26;
48 optional PidConf acc_lookup_pid_conf = 27;
49 optional bool use_lookup_acc_pid = 28;
50 optional bool use_pitch_angle_filter = 29;
51 optional bool enable_look_ahead_back_control = 30 [default = false];
52 optional double switch_speed = 31;
53 optional LeadlagConf reverse_leadlag_conf = 32;
54 // low/high speed switch transition-window
55 optional double switch_speed_window = 33 [default = 0.0];
56 optional int32 preview_window = 34;
57 optional double lookahead_station = 35 [default = 0.0];
58 optional double lookback_station = 36 [default = 0.0];
59 optional double lookahead_station_high_speed = 37 [default = 0.0];
60 optional double lookback_station_high_speed = 38 [default = 0.0];
61 optional bool enable_reverse_leadlag_compensation = 39 [default = false];
62 optional FilterConf pitch_angle_filter_conf = 40;
63 optional bool enable_feedback_augment_on_high_speed = 41 [default = false];
64 optional bool trajectory_transform_to_com_reverse = 42 [default = false];
65 optional bool trajectory_transform_to_com_drive = 43 [default = false];
66 optional bool enable_slope_offset = 44 [default = false];
67 optional bool use_preview_reference_check = 45 [default = false];
68 optional bool use_kinematic_model = 46;
69 optional bool enable_navigation_mode_error_filter = 47 [default = false];
class register implement
Definition arena_queue.h:37