Apollo 10.0
sim_control_gflags.cc 文件参考
sim_control_gflags.cc 的引用(Include)关系图:



 DEFINE_string (sim_control_module_name, "sim_control", "Module name")
 DEFINE_string (dynamic_model_name, "perfect_control", "the name for the selected model")
 DEFINE_string (calibration_conf_file, "sim_control_lincoln.pb.txt", "the name for the selected model")
 DEFINE_string (fnn_model_path, "sim_control/conf/fnn_model.bin", "fnn model file path")
 DEFINE_string (backward_fnn_model_path, "sim_control/conf/fnn_model_backward.bin", "fnn model file path for reverse driving")
 DEFINE_string (echo_lincoln_conf_file, "sim_control/conf/echo_lincoln_conf.pb.txt", "echo lincoln conf file path")
 DEFINE_int32 (reader_pending_queue_size, 10, "Cyber Reader pending queue size.")
 DEFINE_string (echosim_license_file, "sim_control/conf/echosim.lic", "echo lincoln license file")
 DEFINE_string (echosim_parameters_file, "sim_control/conf/echosim_lincoln.par", "echo lincoln vehicle parameter file")
 DEFINE_double (echosim_simulation_step, 0.001, "echosim simulation step")
 DEFINE_bool (echo_lincoln_switch_model, false, "switch to point mass model at forward low speed")
 DEFINE_bool (enable_steering_latency, false, "add steering latecy to control")
 DEFINE_bool (enable_backward_fnn_model, true, "switch to add backward fnn model")
 DEFINE_bool (enable_sim_at_nonauto_mode, true, "enable the simulation even before starting auto")
 DEFINE_string (torch_gp_model_file, "sim_control/conf/LiteTrans-20201023-1043/gp_model.pt", "Gaussian process regression model file")
 DEFINE_bool (use_cuda_in_cascade_model, false, "use CUDA for torch.")
 DEFINE_string (cascade_model_conf_file, "sim_control/conf/LiteTrans-20201023-1043/standardization_factors.bin", "cascade model conf file path")


◆ DEFINE_bool() [1/5]

DEFINE_bool ( echo_lincoln_switch_model  ,
false  ,
"switch to point mass model at forward low speed"   

◆ DEFINE_bool() [2/5]

DEFINE_bool ( enable_backward_fnn_model  ,
true  ,
"switch to add backward fnn model"   

◆ DEFINE_bool() [3/5]

DEFINE_bool ( enable_sim_at_nonauto_mode  ,
true  ,
"enable the simulation even before starting auto"   

◆ DEFINE_bool() [4/5]

DEFINE_bool ( enable_steering_latency  ,
false  ,
"add steering latecy to control"   

◆ DEFINE_bool() [5/5]

DEFINE_bool ( use_cuda_in_cascade_model  ,
false  ,
"use CUDA for torch."   

◆ DEFINE_double()

DEFINE_double ( echosim_simulation_step  ,
0.  001,
"echosim simulation step"   

◆ DEFINE_int32()

DEFINE_int32 ( reader_pending_queue_size  ,
10  ,
"Cyber Reader pending queue size."   

◆ DEFINE_string() [1/10]

DEFINE_string ( backward_fnn_model_path  ,
"sim_control/conf/fnn_model_backward.bin"  ,
"fnn model file path for reverse driving"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [2/10]

DEFINE_string ( calibration_conf_file  ,
"sim_control_lincoln.pb.txt"  ,
"the name for the selected model"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [3/10]

DEFINE_string ( cascade_model_conf_file  ,
"sim_control/conf/LiteTrans-20201023-1043/standardization_factors.bin"  ,
"cascade model conf file path"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [4/10]

DEFINE_string ( dynamic_model_name  ,
"perfect_control"  ,
"the name for the selected model"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [5/10]

DEFINE_string ( echo_lincoln_conf_file  ,
"sim_control/conf/echo_lincoln_conf.pb.txt"  ,
"echo lincoln conf file path"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [6/10]

DEFINE_string ( echosim_license_file  ,
"sim_control/conf/echosim.lic"  ,
"echo lincoln license file"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [7/10]

DEFINE_string ( echosim_parameters_file  ,
"sim_control/conf/echosim_lincoln.par"  ,
"echo lincoln vehicle parameter file"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [8/10]

DEFINE_string ( fnn_model_path  ,
"sim_control/conf/fnn_model.bin"  ,
"fnn model file path"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [9/10]

DEFINE_string ( sim_control_module_name  ,
"sim_control"  ,
"Module name"   

◆ DEFINE_string() [10/10]

DEFINE_string ( torch_gp_model_file  ,
"sim_control/conf/LiteTrans-20201023-1043/gp_model.pt"  ,
"Gaussian process regression model file"   