constexpr | Vec2d (const double x, const double y) noexcept |
| Constructor which takes x- and y-coordinates.
constexpr | Vec2d () noexcept |
| Constructor returning the zero vector.
double | x () const |
| Getter for x component
double | y () const |
| Getter for y component
void | set_x (const double x) |
| Setter for x component
void | set_y (const double y) |
| Setter for y component
double | Length () const |
| Gets the length of the vector
double | LengthSquare () const |
| Gets the squared length of the vector
double | Angle () const |
| Gets the angle between the vector and the positive x semi-axis
void | Normalize () |
| Returns the unit vector that is co-linear with this vector
double | DistanceTo (const Vec2d &other) const |
| Returns the distance to the given vector
double | DistanceSquareTo (const Vec2d &other) const |
| Returns the squared distance to the given vector
double | CrossProd (const Vec2d &other) const |
| Returns the "cross" product between these two Vec2d (non-standard).
double | InnerProd (const Vec2d &other) const |
| Returns the inner product between these two Vec2d.
Vec2d | rotate (const double angle) const |
| rotate the vector by angle.
void | SelfRotate (const double angle) |
| rotate the vector itself by angle.
Vec2d | operator+ (const Vec2d &other) const |
| Sums two Vec2d
Vec2d | operator- (const Vec2d &other) const |
| Subtracts two Vec2d
Vec2d | operator* (const double ratio) const |
| Multiplies Vec2d by a scalar
Vec2d | operator/ (const double ratio) const |
| Divides Vec2d by a scalar
Vec2d & | operator+= (const Vec2d &other) |
| Sums another Vec2d to the current one
Vec2d & | operator-= (const Vec2d &other) |
| Subtracts another Vec2d to the current one
Vec2d & | operator*= (const double ratio) |
| Multiplies this Vec2d by a scalar
Vec2d & | operator/= (const double ratio) |
| Divides this Vec2d by a scalar
bool | operator== (const Vec2d &other) const |
| Compares two Vec2d
std::string | DebugString () const |
| Returns a human-readable string representing this object
Implements a class of 2-dimensional vectors.
在文件 vec2d.h 第 42 行定义.