Apollo 10.0
angle.h 文件参考

Defines the templated Angle class. 更多...

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
angle.h 的引用(Include)关系图:


class  apollo::common::math::Angle< T >
 The Angle class uses an integer to represent an angle, and supports commonly-used operations such as addition and subtraction, as well as the use of trigonometric functions. 更多...


namespace  apollo::common::math
namespace  apollo
 class register implement
namespace  apollo::common


using apollo::common::math::Angle8 = Angle< int8_t >
using apollo::common::math::Angle16 = Angle< int16_t >
using apollo::common::math::Angle32 = Angle< int32_t >
using apollo::common::math::Angle64 = Angle< int64_t >


template<typename T >
Angle< T > apollo::common::math::operator+ (Angle< T > lhs, Angle< T > rhs)
 Sums two angles
template<typename T >
Angle< T > apollo::common::math::operator- (Angle< T > lhs, Angle< T > rhs)
 Subtracts two angles
template<typename T , typename Scalar >
Angle< T > apollo::common::math::operator* (Angle< T > lhs, Scalar rhs)
 Multiplies an Angle by a scalar
template<typename T , typename Scalar >
Angle< T > apollo::common::math::operator* (Scalar lhs, Angle< T > rhs)
 Multiplies an Angle by a scalar
template<typename T , typename Scalar >
Angle< T > apollo::common::math::operator/ (Angle< T > lhs, Scalar rhs)
 Divides an Angle by a scalar
template<typename T >
double apollo::common::math::operator/ (Angle< T > lhs, Angle< T > rhs)
 Divides an Angle by a scalar
template<typename T >
bool apollo::common::math::operator== (Angle< T > lhs, Angle< T > rhs)
 Tests two Angle objects for equality
template<typename T >
bool apollo::common::math::operator!= (Angle< T > lhs, Angle< T > rhs)
 Tests two Angle objects for inequality
float apollo::common::math::sin (Angle16 a)
float apollo::common::math::cos (Angle16 a)
float apollo::common::math::tan (Angle16 a)
float apollo::common::math::sin (Angle8 a)
float apollo::common::math::cos (Angle8 a)
float apollo::common::math::tan (Angle8 a)


Defines the templated Angle class.

在文件 angle.h 中定义.