Apollo 10.0
目录 | |
qp_solver | |
文件 | |
aabox2d.cc | |
aabox2d.h | |
Defines the AABox2d class. | |
aaboxkdtree2d.h | |
Defines the templated AABoxKDTree2dNode class. | |
angle.cc | |
angle.h | |
Defines the templated Angle class. | |
box2d.cc | |
box2d.h | |
The class of Box2d. | |
cartesian_frenet_conversion.cc | |
cartesian_frenet_conversion.h | |
curve_fitting.h | |
euler_angles_zxy.h | |
Defines the EulerAnglesZXY class. | |
factorial.h | |
Meta programming for computing factorial | |
hermite_spline.h | |
integral.cc | |
integral.h | |
Functions to compute integral. | |
kalman_filter.h | |
Defines the templated KalmanFilter class. | |
line_segment2d.cc | |
line_segment2d.h | |
Define the LineSegment2d class. | |
linear_interpolation.cc | |
linear_interpolation.h | |
Linear interpolation functions. | |
linear_quadratic_regulator.cc | |
linear_quadratic_regulator.h | |
Solver for discrete-time linear quadratic problem. | |
math_utils.cc | |
math_utils.h | |
Math-related util functions. | |
matrix_operations.cc | |
Defines some useful matrix operations. | |
matrix_operations.h | |
Defines some useful matrix operations. | |
mpc_osqp.cc | |
mpc_osqp.h | |
path_matcher.cc | |
path_matcher.h | |
polygon2d.cc | |
polygon2d.h | |
Define the Polygon2d class. | |
quaternion.h | |
Contains a number of helper functions related to quaternions. | |
search.cc | |
search.h | |
Search-related functions. | |
sin_table.cc | |
sin_table.h | |
Exports the SIN_TABLE, used by the Angle class. | |
vec2d.cc | |
vec2d.h | |
Defines the Vec2d class. | |