Apollo 10.0
math 目录参考
math 的目录依赖关系图




 Defines the AABox2d class.
 Defines the templated AABoxKDTree2dNode class.
 Defines the templated Angle class.
 The class of Box2d.
 Defines the EulerAnglesZXY class.
 Meta programming for computing factorial
 Functions to compute integral.
 Defines the templated KalmanFilter class.
 Define the LineSegment2d class.
 Linear interpolation functions.
 Solver for discrete-time linear quadratic problem.
 Math-related util functions.
 Defines some useful matrix operations.
 Defines some useful matrix operations.
 Define the Polygon2d class.
 Contains a number of helper functions related to quaternions.
 Search-related functions.
 Exports the SIN_TABLE, used by the Angle class.
 Defines the Vec2d class.