Apollo 10.0
2 * Copyright 2017 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 *****************************************************************************/
19DEFINE_string(map_dir, "modules/map/data/sunnyvale_loop",
20 "Directory which contains a group of related maps.");
21DEFINE_int32(local_utm_zone_id, 10, "UTM zone id.");
23DEFINE_string(test_base_map_filename, "",
24 "If not empty, use this test base map files.");
26DEFINE_string(base_map_filename, "base_map.bin|base_map.xml|base_map.txt",
27 "Base map files in the map_dir, search in order.");
28DEFINE_string(sim_map_filename, "sim_map.bin|sim_map.txt",
29 "Simulation map files in the map_dir, search in order.");
30DEFINE_string(routing_map_filename, "routing_map.bin|routing_map.txt",
31 "Routing map files in the map_dir, search in order.");
32DEFINE_string(end_way_point_filename, "default_end_way_point.txt",
33 "End way point of the map, will be sent in RoutingRequest.");
34DEFINE_string(default_routing_filename, "default_cycle_routing.txt",
35 "Default cycle routing of the map, will be sent in Task to Task "
36 "Manager Module.");
37DEFINE_string(current_start_point_filename, "current_start_point.txt",
38 "The current starting point of the vehicle. Setting the starting "
39 "point in route editing will be reset.");
40DEFINE_string(park_go_routing_filename, "park_go_routing.txt",
41 "Park go routing of the map, support for dreamview contest.");
42DEFINE_string(speed_control_filename, "speed_control.pb.txt",
43 "The speed control region in a map.");
46 "modules/common/data/vehicle_param.pb.txt",
47 "the file path of vehicle config file");
50 vehicle_model_config_filename,
51 "modules/common/vehicle_model/conf/vehicle_model_config.pb.txt",
52 "the file path of vehicle model config file");
54DEFINE_bool(use_cyber_time, false,
55 "Whether Clock::Now() gets time from system_clock::now() or from "
56 "Cyber.");
58DEFINE_string(localization_tf2_frame_id, "world", "the tf2 transform frame id");
59DEFINE_string(localization_tf2_child_frame_id, "localization",
60 "the tf2 transform child frame id");
62DEFINE_bool(use_navigation_mode, false,
63 "Use relative position in navigation mode");
65 navigation_mode_end_way_point_file,
66 "modules/dreamview/conf/navigation_mode_default_end_way_point.txt",
67 "end_way_point file used if navigation mode is set.");
69DEFINE_double(half_vehicle_width, 1.05, "half vehicle width");
71DEFINE_double(look_forward_time_sec, 8.0,
72 "look forward time times adc speed to calculate this distance "
73 "when creating reference line from routing");
75DEFINE_bool(use_sim_time, false, "Use bag time in mock time mode.");
77DEFINE_bool(reverse_heading_vehicle_state, false,
78 "test flag for reverse driving.");
80DEFINE_bool(state_transform_to_com_reverse, false,
81 "Enable vehicle states coordinate transformation from center of "
82 "rear-axis to center of mass, during reverse driving");
83DEFINE_bool(state_transform_to_com_drive, true,
84 "Enable vehicle states coordinate transformation from center of "
85 "rear-axis to center of mass, during forward driving");
86DEFINE_bool(multithread_run, false,
87 "multi-thread run flag mainly used by simulation");
89// localization
90DEFINE_bool(enable_map_reference_unify, true,
91 "enable IMU data convert to map reference");
DEFINE_bool(use_cyber_time, false, "Whether Clock::Now() gets time from system_clock::now() or from " "Cyber.")
DEFINE_int32(local_utm_zone_id, 10, "UTM zone id.")
DEFINE_string(map_dir, "modules/map/data/sunnyvale_loop", "Directory which contains a group of related maps.")
DEFINE_double(half_vehicle_width, 1.05, "half vehicle width")